Call me a party pooper but theme park vlogs seem one of the worst influences for theme parks fans I have ever known. Please read this post with a sense of humour because, like, I don't want to just come across as some "hater". I just genuinly I do not understand the lasting appeal at all.
To be clear, Shawn Sanbrooke can do whatever he wants, it's a free world. But it's totally beyond me why he is put on such a pedestal by thousands of people. He has been turned into a genuine celebrity by young fans, who will follow his every move, people get their t shirts and arms signed by Shawn at the gates to Alton Towers, etc.
Parks are about about getting out of your house, enjoying a day out with friends or family, not knowing what to expect and having a laugh. The whole YouTube empire captures absolutely none of this to me.
TPW and the many copy cats come across as some of the cringiest, most obnoxious troupes I have ever seen. I'll give Shawn the benefit of the doubt, that he isn't really like that in real life (I've never met him and am not judging him personally), but his 'internet persona' let's say.
The sad thing about this is how impressionable young people look up to Shawn and emulate him, because he happens to be the face of theme parks online. Young theme park fans with a growing passion go straight to youtube, get their interest drowned in all this rubbish, and come out the other end quoting dumb statistics and catchphrases, like some bizarre cult, rather than just enjoying the parks as your everyday punter.
I even know total non-fans who know Shawn, if I mention a theme park in conversation. Lol!
He has kickstarted a flurry of copy cats of all ages, most who seem purely in it for the attention & money. All you need to do is visit theme parks every other week (surely this would kill your interest but whatever) and film your face all day long. Easy!
When I worked at parks, it's now a very common sight to see young teenagers and sad grown men holding GoPros and filming every ride, filming their faces walking down paths and quoting stuff they've read off Wikipedia, rather than enjoying the day out for what it is. This is quite tragic really. The amount of whiny complaining from these people too is astonishing – that's one thing Shawn avoids at least.
Parks themselves tend to reward these ego-driven people (it has to be said), because their sheer amount of subscribers is a serious PR opportunity. At the same time, I know first hand how some managements think of Shawn Sanbrooke when they think of theme park fans on the whole – and it changes their attitude towards fans for the worse. Well who can blame them if they think that's what fans are like. If that's the case, it makes me embarassed to be one.
The absolute worst offender is the Bubbleworks closing down video, one of the cringiest videos ever made. I have only ever skipped through with an open mind, and it was far worse than I could have imagined. As far as Chessington were concerned, the video came to represent all fans of the ride ride. A hilariously dumb ending to what was once a really fab, appealing ride for the whole public (a long time ago).
Shawn doesn't do this. Another reason I think it works is because on the whole he doesn't have a clue what he's doing, he's just making videos, I have no doubt he try to market properly but most of the success just seems to be luck and that means it doesn't look like he's trying too hard on camera.
Yeah I guess this is the appeal, but... why such influence on people? If the videos were 15 minutes long and the channel a couple hundred subscribers then fair enough. But last I looked the vlogs are, what, over an hour? People watching such rubbish all the way through every week are seriously wasting their lives. Ha ha!