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Theme Park Worldwide

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They are not the most pleasant people off camera for sure.

Oh definitely. The amount of times I've crossed the lovely group a few times over the years they seem to be shouting, screaming, parading around areas as if they own the place, or climbing/hitting theming/walls/fences... acting like hooligans in general. Not something you come to expect from vloggers or enthusiasts (well I wouldn't expect anyone to act in such ways, but still).

There does seem to be a degree of arrogance generated from a little bit of fame.

They of course do not represent all vloggers or Shawn himself. However as a part of TPWW I think it has generated a group of horrible people with no care or thought for those around them.

While TPWW has now issued a statement. I don't think it is worthy of applauding, given this has been issued two days after ignoring and deleting any trace of accusations, and the situation has continued to escalate. If they really cared, a statement would have been issued two days ago.

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A statement this late after initially trying to brush it under the carpet with censoring attempts North Korea would be proud of isn't worth a thing. Sanbrooke himself seems to live in some sort of deluded fantasy world at the best of times, but this was a time where a step into reality was desperately needed.

There's also a tinge of defiance in the statement, and certainly no apology for the distress that's been caused - not by the apparent crimes, rather the upset this will have caused my unsuspecting young followers of the channel simply when they read the droves of claims.
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Shawn's in a funny situation now,if he turns up tomorrow he'll be accused of not caring....but if he doesn't he'll be accused of hiding so he must be involved

Personally i think he should turn up...he himself hasn't done anything wrong and he can't do anything more than the statement as its now a legal matter
So I'm late to the current circumstances. Someone please explain properly everything that's been happening as I'm a bit lost as there's so many things that's been happening at once
So I'm late to the current circumstances. Someone please explain properly everything that's been happening as I'm a bit lost as there's so many things that's been happening at once
Members of TPWW past and present have been accused of behaving inappropriately, TPWW attempted to hide the allegations and wouldn’t give a statement acknowledging the accusations other than saying they had reported them to the authorities.

Fast forward to today, allegations are now double digit and TPWW were forced to issue a statement as the public started to grow more interested.
Members of TPWW past and present have been accused of behaving inappropriately, TPWW attempted to hide the allegations and wouldn’t give a statement acknowledging the accusations other than saying they had reported them to the authorities.

Fast forward to today, allegations are now double digit and TPWW were forced to issue a statement as the public started to grow more interested.
Yes but what are the allegations
I am not saying this is right or wrong but I can totally understand if they were advised not to say anything they would want to hide comments that they couldn’t reply to on advise. For all we know the police side hide comments. The ones that are hidden seem to be the one mentioning names and could ruin a trial if there was one

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Read all these

Right then. Firstly, Alex behaviour highlighted around women is absolutely disgusting and weird. Harry is just as bad in that sense. Secondly, and even more frustratingly, shawn is apparently racist and has said some insulting things to disabled people. And finally, charlotte mocks someone for being annoyed about someone's sexual actions. God thats a lot isn't it.
Well I'm going to unsubscribe to TPW and unfollow all their socials as this cannot be tolerated and the channel should be brought down in my opinion
I look forward to a "generic YouTube apology" where Shawn will be a black sweater/ jumper, look a bit disheveled, watery eyes and say he's so sorry and it will never happen again. Don't forget to film it in a really "home made" style and no nice editing, makes it more sincere.

This whole thing is genuinely disturbing and I think any parks associated with this group should be VERY wary of how much they collaborate with TPWW going forward. If I owned / ran a park I'd be keeping them at arms length, probably requesting they don't film and stop using the park name until this is over.
They could certainly use their own T&Cs or a cease and desist for a while.

I don't think any youtubers could come back from this, and I don't think they ought to.
I look forward to a "generic YouTube apology" where Shawn will be a black sweater/ jumper, look a bit disheveled, watery eyes and say he's so sorry and it will never happen again. Don't forget to film it in a really "home made" style and no nice editing, makes it more sincere.

This whole thing is genuinely disturbing and I think any parks associated with this group should be VERY wary of how much they collaborate with TPWW going forward. If I owned / ran a park I'd be keeping them at arms length, probably requesting they don't film and stop using the park name until this is over.
They could certainly use their own T&Cs or a cease and desist for a while.

I don't think any youtubers could come back from this, and I don't think they ought to.
Agreed. Theme park worldwide is done, finished
Can we just be clear that this isn't a group, it's the operating name and brand of an individual.

An individual who has welcomed in a small group of people and then ignored complaints for years, badly handled it this week and continued to block people making allegations. At this point its like arguing whose turd is browner.
Just a reminder please that as @Craig said earlier in the week, we would ask everyone to not name individuals who have not been found guilty of offences within this topic.

Discussion of the allegations is fine, but please avoid posting specifics.

Just in general, always take Twitter with a massive pinch of salt. As much as Twitter is a very fast moving news source, it's also highly unreliable / unverified. Please don't spread rumours from Twitter.
If everything that was written on Twitter in the last 18 months turned out to be true, the remainers would've overturned Brexit with their marches and we'd now be under a Labour Government!
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