Hey everybody, new poster here.
I’ve been a keen browser of the Towers Street forum for a while, however after reading a lot of responses on here I feel the need to express my thoughts. You’ll have to forgive me as I’m still figuring this forum out, so my response may not be structured the way you’re used to seeing usual responses. Anyway, here goes…
As a young woman in the Theme Park community, let me tell you that this sort of thing is rife. Several individuals from Theme Park YouTube (including, but not exclusively TPW) have reached out to young girls for a long while. They have used their internet fame to constantly contact young women (mostly around the age range of 17-19, however some younger), and something needs to be done to put this to an end. I, myself, have had certain YouTube “influencers” add me on Facebook, attempt to ask me out, then delete and block me when I say no.
There was one particular poster who asked why these accusations hadn’t been brought to light earlier, let me explain why.
1. The individual in question may have felt scared to make a claim about a particular influencer and been too fearful of any backlash that may have come from it. If you have read the comments to any of TPWs Twitter posts you may understand why. While a number of people have been attacking Shawn with pitchforks, there are still individuals saying these young girls are “liars” and they are “looking for attention”.
2. Sometimes, it takes one or two others to speak out for you to gain the confidence to speak out yourself. If you feel like you are a victim then you can feel extremely alone and scared.
3. In certain instances you may brush something off as “that was inappropriate, however I didn’t think too much of it or want to say anything”. If, however, you see multiple other people speak up with similar stories, you only then realise how truly wrong it was.
I am not going to go into detail on the current accusations until the investigation is complete. Very much like
@delta79 I do not want to derail any legal process, and any potential charges that could be brought against certain individuals. I will, however, comment on how the situation has been handled.
While Shawn is thankfully not accused of anything in regard to young women, there are now four individuals who’ve appeared regularly on TPW vlogs past and present that have been accused. This is an alarming statistic, and as such I believe Shawn’s actions have been questionable at best. The deleting/hiding of comments and blocking of individuals was in extreme poor taste. Regardless of whether the accusations are true or false, acting in this way only makes you look guilty. The statement itself came too late, felt cold and rehearsed and did not condemn any of the actions of the accused or address any of the victims. While I understand he is not commenting on any of the allegations, he should have at least apologised and stated TPW do not condone actions like this in any way, shape or form. Finally, his choice to attend parks and vlog this weekend was foolish and completely distasteful. His social media posts show that he is acting as normal, and I think we can all categorically agree that these are not normal times. While deep down he may care, doing this has given off the impression that he does not and is only focused on vlogging and in turn making money.
The allegations that have been made are serious, although a lot of them are not what you’d automatically class as “breaking the law”. One individual in particular has been the subject of around 15 claims, all extremely similar, but not many display what you’d call law breaking behaviour. Unsettling and creepy yes, but not necessarily against the law. If no charges are brought against this individual, that does not necessarily mean he is innocent.
Finally, in regard to the racism allegation against Shawn, I do find it odd that this hasn’t been addressed if fake, however appreciate that Shawn may be getting his own legal advice on this matter. If someone has faked this, then I hope Shawn presses charges against that person, as it is a nasty claim to make.
Apologies for the length of the post, however I felt the need to express my thoughts as a young female in the Theme Park community. While it may appear shocking and unfathomable to some, this sort of stuff does go on.