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Thorpe Park: General Discussion

Ridiculous how slowly that Hyperia queue moves tbh even with minimal FT users. Done it twice yesterday and went home to watch the football.

Such a shame they didn't spend a few more ££ on something with a higher capacity. Short term it can push FT sales but long term it can put people off returning.

When was the last time a Merlin park in the UK built a high capacity ride? Something that can regularly exceed 1000pph?

Must be at least 10 years and even then the likely candidates probably don’t achieve it anymore…
When was the last time a Merlin park in the UK built a high capacity ride? Something that can regularly exceed 1000pph?

Must be at least 10 years and even then the likely candidates probably don’t achieve it anymore…
Wicker Man gets 1,000pph pretty regularly on 3 trains, I’d argue. If they’re running flat out, it can do a solid 1,080pph or so.

I’d argue that they also actively chose to enhance the capacity with that one, opting for 3 trains rather than 2 like most GCIs have as well as removing the seatbelts that most GCIs have.
I also think the preview are a bit differnt, alton only had their park partially open but thorpes is fully open with quite a limited ride selection, then opened to essentially a fully booked day.
I hope alton learns from thorpe, and aims for:
1. Ride openings seperatr from park opening (reduce crowds)
2. Slower opening (start with preview days with limited numbers)
3. No special events on opening (alton after dark) to reduce crowds.
When was the last time a Merlin park in the UK built a high capacity ride? Something that can regularly exceed 1000pph?

Must be at least 10 years and even then the likely candidates probably don’t achieve it anymore…
Swarm. We used to comfortably get 1,150-1,200 pph on that, aiming to send the train when the other was passing over the station.

In regards to Hyperia, a three train model with MCBR would have been nice, but do Merlin have really install these types of coasters? I can’t think of any, but happy to be proven wrong. Three trains on Wickerman is kind of pointless anyway since they’re usually only just opening the gates when the train behind parks in the brake run. Surely having that third train can’t achieve that much of a higher number than running it on two.
Three trains on Wickerman is kind of pointless anyway since they’re usually only just opening the gates when the train behind parks in the brake run. Surely having that third train can’t achieve that much of a higher number than running it on two.
By my reckoning, the 3rd train on Wicker Man gets at least an extra 150-200pph. My timings have pegged it at about 800pph on 2 and 1,000pph+ on 3.

As much as the 3rd train does park behind the one currently in the station, there’s a definite long gap between trains when they only run it on 2, so it still provides a benefit. If it were double stacking, you’d be right in thinking that it doesn’t provide any benefit, but as the ride only tends to stack one train when running 3, it does mean that the ride attains a higher throughput than it would on only 2.
I rode WM on Saturday, the queue was notably slower for the ride being on 2 trains. When the queue time is approaching 2 hours, even a slight capacity improvement would be welcome
I also think the preview are a bit differnt, alton only had their park partially open but thorpes is fully open with quite a limited ride selection, then opened to essentially a fully booked day.
I hope alton learns from thorpe, and aims for:
1. Ride openings seperatr from park opening (reduce crowds)
2. Slower opening (start with preview days with limited numbers)
3. No special events on opening (alton after dark) to reduce crowds.
Thorpe's ride selection yesterday was full line up with unplanned closures for Stealth (and most of the day Zodiac and Walking Dead).

The only planned closures were seasonal rides such as Amity Beach and Rumba Rapids.