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Mini Meet Thorpe Park Weds 18th September 2024

If you want to join the old gits on tour...and looking at you mr zola...we are looking at a tues/wed in mid sept/oct.
All freaks and thoosies more than welcome, but the volvo is looking fully booked, provisionally.
Sounds a plan. Let me know some details be good to meet a few of you …. Obligatory beers must be involved
If you want to join the old gits on tour...and looking at you mr zola...we are looking at a tues/wed in mid sept/oct.
All freaks and thoosies more than welcome, but the volvo is looking fully booked, provisionally.
I have a Volvo, currently with 4 empty seats and I was also looking to go TP around this time. I wouldn't mind meeting a few forum folk also :)
The old gits event will be fixed by dippys rota, robs old biddies, mattgc's study leave, shakeys shiny new thingy, but every last person on this whole bloody site will be more than more than welcome...the date will be shared but midweek, probably tues and or wed, mid sept to mid oct.
Even people of yorkshire origin, all other species, avian, sciuridae, and yes, even the golf wankers.
Old pirates even.
Might even try to rip rick out, eh tom.
As you are well aware by now, I love you all.
The more the merrier.
And if I have to hold on because I'm scared, I will buy every last clucker a pint.
Bet I don't hold on, two to one odds, all profits in the craigy trip fund.
The old gits event will be fixed by dippys rota, robs old biddies, mattgc's study leave, shakeys shiny new thingy, but every last person on this whole bloody site will be more than more than welcome...the date will be shared but midweek, probably tues and or wed, mid sept to mid oct.
Even people of yorkshire origin, all other species, avian, sciuridae, and yes, even the golf wankers.
Old pirates even.
Might even try to rip rick out, eh tom.
As you are well aware by now, I love you all.
The more the merrier.
And if I have to hold on because I'm scared, I will buy every last clucker a pint.
Bet I don't hold on, two to one odds, all profits in the craigy trip fund.
I could be interested in this too, dates depending. Would be travelling from Gloucester so about 2-2½ hours along the M4 from Thorpe. No Volvo but have a Fiesta 🤣
The old gits event will be fixed by dippys rota, robs old biddies, mattgc's study leave, shakeys shiny new thingy, but every last person on this whole bloody site will be more than more than welcome...the date will be shared but midweek, probably tues and or wed, mid sept to mid oct.
Even people of yorkshire origin, all other species, avian, sciuridae, and yes, even the golf wankers.
Old pirates even.
Might even try to rip rick out, eh tom.
As you are well aware by now, I love you all.
The more the merrier.
And if I have to hold on because I'm scared, I will buy every last clucker a pint.
Bet I don't hold on, two to one odds, all profits in the craigy trip fund.

I’ll come fully dressed in golf attire just so it’s clear who I am :)
For some strange and lengthy reason, I have two practice putting hole thingies, putter and something else sticky, and about five hundred balls...because I promised the most lovely old lady I would waste nothing...
I will bring at least two mouse wheels as gifts, and knock off labels for them.
Genuine knock off mind.
Someone can pass dj tyrefitter the one I owe him...
In the correct place, and cheers mods for setting me up in another topic...
Last day for thorpe freebies in the Sun.
Swallow that pride.
I'd be up for coming over for this! Will keep an eye out for details as they appear.
OK...the other (younger) two old gits are shaking up the dates by the green door, juggling rotas and familial obligations, while I tremble at the sun website...all vouchers deposited.
They are tyke golf winkers, so it may take time.
May be a mad one day runner, may be beer crawl in Chertsey, and the Travelodge there...the choice is yours.
If anyone can't make it, set another one up that fits, as I may well want another go back on a cheap pass "for next year", as I'm not having one this year.
If we still miss, free beer in Crevettes for every last one of you next season...
On shakey and dippy.

I will be back later.

"Thus, hyperia means the excessiveness [19] implicit during this cerebral functioning mode: an excessive neuronal synchronization; an excessive alignment of consciousness; hyperesthesia of the experience."

RBH/Hyperiavrmegaclash 24.

I look forward to our collective experience at the edge of the thoosieverse.

Editted for pottymouth.
We are not in the tavern.
Mystic Megs foggy crystal shows signs of warming towards september...VIBES of staff leave year endings, warmer weather, and an essence of doner/chicken kebab.
Overnight chances looking more likely due to the consumption of excess fluids during complex thoosiation processes.
Mouse wheels found and stored.
Started scrubbing those little white balls with dimples.
No volvo news.
Ok folks.
After a few personal messages...the old gits will be doing Crevettes on tour, having the full day attending all the bars of Chertsey/Staines/Thorpe.
Might get a few coasters in as well.
Day tickets for Wed 18th September...not sure if the beer will be the night before or after the day itself.
Others will decide.
Possibly staying Chertsey Travelodge, they aren't fussy, not been barred yet.
Any and all welcome, think the volvo is full, very much looking forward to seeing at least a couple of you.
The more the merrier.
I will try to arrange light rain for the day.
Free beer to many if required.
Coming from North Somerset mate, so don't mind giving you a lift? Could meet in Yate or Cribbs (for the free parking) and I could grab you on the way through?
Yeah that could work mate, my sister lives in Bristol (in Filton so not far from Cribbs), so I could blag a parking space at hers!
Oh, you could have a lovely west country soundtrack all the way there...Massive Attack, Portishead, Alpha, bit of Zero Seven...all my faves.
Even the mention of Filton makes me jealous...
We get shakey, acca flipping pella.

Then again...on the way home...
He has an old piano and he plays it hot...
Yeah that could work mate, my sister lives in Bristol (in Filton so not far from Cribbs), so I could blag a parking space at hers!
Sounds like a good plan, I'd be going past on the M5 anyway, so only need to nip off at Aztec West to pick you up from your sisters on the way through.

Oh, you could have a lovely west country soundtrack all the way there...Massive Attack, Portishead, Alpha, bit of Zero Seven...all my faves.
Typical Bristolian(ish), I do actually like Massive Attack. We'll whack 'Blackbird, I'll 'ave 'ee' from the Wurzels on full blast, wind down the windows, and brandish cans of Thatchers as we pull into the Thorpe car park to let the local Surrey yooves know that the Carrot Crunchers have arrived.
Took a client (T*by the Sheep, easily led)...to seek out his family roots near the centre of Bristol, stopped in the youth hostel on the docks.
Hyped him up with the correct sounds for months.
He just wanted to wander his old patch, going up to St Pauls, solo.
Time on my own Rob, thanks for the help...gave him a tenner and off he went for the day.
So I spent all my time in the record shops...as you do.
Spent half a months wages in the above, dub syndicate, and a stack of on u sound stuff I have never seen before or since.
Then chased him up and down the paths by Clifton Gorge with a four pack of cloudy cider between us.
Roots and heritage must be fully experienced with all the senses.
Then, off to Portishead for a paddle on the way home, with Portishead soundtrack of course.
Really good work, but he was a tricky kid.

*Names altered to protect the guilty.
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