If The Smiler is the only TLC project next winter, I would be more than happy!
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My wish-list for TLC over the winter period would be as follows:
Given that
The Smiler was looking appalling during my last visit, this would receive the most attention:
-Re-store the original theme of "Correction' and 'Marmalisation'. It is almost 3 years since the accident and said terms don't bare any link whatsoever. Without them, it just seems like a multi-looping ride with lots of laughing, and no coherent story.
-Re-store the original train designs. The back of the seats on opening day were amazing and was so clever. It is beyond me why this was ever removed for some safety sign!
-Audio needs bringing up to scratch, lots of dead spots and far too quiet.
-Jetwash the entire area to make it look presentable to the paying customers.
-Align those awful projectors too!
-I am yet to ride The Smiler with smoke in the inside section since its opening day - the reason why is beyond me! The concrete mess now is awful.
-'The Smiler' logo on the entrance archway looks dodgy too. It's like a sign, on a sign, on a sign.
-VR removed and restored back to Air. I am quite fond of the Galactica branding however.
-Galactica cladding to be jet washed periodically as it is mouldy.
-Further AV enhancements on the ride - the music is far too quiet also.
-Make the dispatch more memorable. The iconic "Prepare for Air" dispatch tune is so much better than the silent rubbish now.
Jet-wash all of the trains. This is the guests' first impression as they enter the park and its facilities. A mouldy cow train rocking up isn't the best first impression!