• ℹ️ Heads up...

    This is a popular topic that is fast moving Guest - before posting, please ensure that you check out the first post in the topic for a quick reminder of guidelines, and importantly a summary of the known facts and information so far. Thanks.

TowersStreet Planet Coaster Speed Build Contest 2024/25: Week 16 ends 7th March

I'll do my voting tomorrow. Don't think I'm going to be able to make a submission this week though, I've got two hockey games this week and need to do lots of revision as mocks are coming up. I'll probably be slightly less busy next week so week 10 should be ok.
Just to remind everyone, only around 6 hours remain until the deadlines close and the Week 10 Weekly Digest is dropped.

There has been 1 response to the Round 7 Voting form so far, and that is my own. If you’d like to vote for your Round 7 favourites, follow this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...VjOBN5-9uEMIVxeikRU0JnNaQ/viewform?usp=dialog

There has been 1 response to the Round 8 Voting form so far, and that is my own. If you’d like to vote for your Round 8 favourites, follow this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...naWYKZaOJe1tXqjRquy0jYnyQ/viewform?usp=dialog

There have been 3 submissions for Round 9 so far, including my own. If you would like a deadline extension for Round 9, please notify me before the deadline and I would be happy to facilitate one for you. If you have any issues with uploading videos or anything at all, get in touch with me and I would be very happy to solve these issues for you. If you do not get into contact with me before the deadline, I will assume that you are happy forfeiting this round and move on.

Engagement seems somewhat low given that it’s a matter of hours until the deadlines and the posting of the Week 10 Weekly Digest, particularly in terms of voting, so I was just wondering; would anybody like an extension to building for Round 9 and/or voting for Rounds 7 and 8?
Scrap. Wood. Bodgedit.

5271ft long, 78mph GCI nonsense with 2650pph to cope with the crowds.

From: https://youtu.be/BgwP2hAQc8Q




Apologies for the late response, but nonetheless; great submission @Poisson! A GCI is quite novel for a response to this round, and your ride has some great bits of airtime and twists and turns! I also really like the tunnel section and think that’s some very original thinking!
My entry
Hollywood Space X Rocket

From: https://youtu.be/XuNVw0LIDrs

Nice submission @Thameslink Rail! A Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop is certainly a very original response to the brief, and I like the swing launch aspect!
Hi Matt, was just about to do my voting now, but the form has closed. Did I miss the deadline? (Sorry I said I was meant to do it a couple of days ago, I’ve been so busy at the minute)
Week 10 Weekly Digest (18th-24th January 2025)
OK folks; that's the end of Week 9! Let's get into Week 10, shall we?

I'll start with the Round 7 and Round 8 results...
Round 7 Results
There were 2 responses to the Round 7 Voting Google Form in total, and the winners of Round 7 were as follows:
The complete leaderboard for Round 7 is as follows:
4@Matt N500
5@Thameslink Rail301
There were 2 responses to the Round 8 Voting Google Form in total, and the winners of Round 8 were as follows:
The complete leaderboard for Round 8 is as follows:
3@Thameslink Rail500
4@Matt N400
By extension, the overall contest results are now as follows:
5@Thameslink Rail7012
6@Matt N6701
Great round, everybody! Let's now move onto Round 9 voting...
Round 9 Voting
OK, folks. The Round 9 submissions are in, so the voting stage can now begin!

Please vote for your Round 9 favourites via this Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...UiexQnO2TjGgQ_O6tzsYxDJjQ/viewform?usp=dialog

Let me just recap a few things about voting, if you need a reminder:
  • If you're not clear on how I'd like you to vote; please pick your top 5 track layouts and rank them in order of preference from #1 to #5. Therefore, if you give a player a particular ranking, the points allocated are as follows; #1 ranking = 5pts, #2 ranking = 4pts, #3 ranking = 3pts, #4 ranking = 2pts, #5 ranking = 1pt. Note: As we only have 4 submissions this week, please only pick a top 4 if you have not submitted a submission. If you have submitted a submission, please pick a top 3 to prevent voting for yourself.
  • You will also receive the opportunity to nominate a submission for Realism or Originality if you wish. These nominations are not compulsory; you can award them if you wish, but you do not have to nominate anyone for Realism or Originality.
  • Please only fill out this form once. I have not mandated this within the form itself, but I'm trusting you all here.
  • Please do not vote for yourself. I know that there is no way I can mandate this, but I trust you not to. Please can I request that you only nominate submissions that are not your own.
  • Please bear in mind that the numbered ranking categories in the Google Form (#1, #2, #3, #4 and #5) are intended to be mutually exclusive, and if you put a submission in one ranking spot, you should not put it in another. I will reject any ballots cast with one submission nominated for multiple ranking spots (for instance, you cannot nominate a submission as both your #1 and your #2). This does not apply to Most Realistic and Most Original, however; if you are making nominations in these categories, you can nominate the same submission for both, and you can also nominate a submission that you have already put in your 1-5 ranking for one or both of these categories if you wish.
  • Please judge submissions on track layout only. This is a coaster layout building contest; theming is pretty much irrelevant here.
  • I know that this form of voting is more anonymous than some may like. If you would like to add a slightly more personal touch, you can post a comment in this thread indicating your top 5 choices, as well as any Realism or Originality nominations. However, can I please request that the Google Form be your first port of call for voting; I will only count votes cast within the Google Form, as if you post in this thread, I wouldn't like to assume whether you've already voted in the Google Form or not. Post your choices in the thread by all means, but please make sure that you log your votes within the Google Form first, as the votes within the Google Form are the votes I'll be counting.
Here is a reminder of everyone's submissions so that you know what you're voting for:
  • Fast & Furious Hollywood Cruiser, a B&M Hyper Coaster by @Matt N:
  • Ron Weasley's Red Rocket, a Premier Rides launch coaster by @RicketyCricket:
  • Scrap. Wood. Bodgeit., a GCI wooden coaster by @Poisson:
  • Hollywood Space X Rocket, a Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop by @Thameslink Rail:

Voting for Round 9 closes on Friday 24th January 2025 at 11:45pm, and the results will be revealed as part of the Week 11 Weekly Digest.

It's now time to move onto the final bit of the week...
Round 10 Building
Now that Round 9 is over, it's time to reveal the next round of the competition! The brief for Round 10 is... Uncharted Reloaded at PortAventura Park! The context for the round is as follows:
After lacking indoor rides for many years, PortAventura Park finally built a much anticipated enclosed roller coaster in 2023: Uncharted. The ride was built to a lot of fanfare and excitement... but when it opened, the experience didn't quite live up to the hype, with subpar interior theming on offer. After mixed to negative reviews, PortAventura have decided that they could do better than Uncharted, so they've commissioned you to design a new enclosed roller coaster in its place! They've said that the same building must be used and the ride must fit inside this building in its entirety, and they've also said that you can't spend any unnecessary money digging down further either, but other than that, the sky's the limit! What will you come up with?
The constraints for the round are as follows:
  • Must Fit Inside Uncharted Building (171ft*381ft/52m*116m floor space and 52ft/16m high, with exact shape as shown in video and Google Doc)
  • No Terraforming Allowed
For some context, the area of PortAventura we're working with here is as follows:
Uncharted Plot.png
For PC users, I have created a Steam Workshop building template that you can build within, which can be downloaded here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3405405994

For console users, things are a little more complicated, as neither Scenario Editor nor Steam Workshop are available on console... sorry for the inconvenience, folks. Nonetheless, I can still help you out by giving a Google Doc with instructions on how to build the building: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10JYzMPLqYRjysBMKnN6qrVpA81bYJvsJdsqVCksoua4/edit?usp=sharing

As well as a YouTube video showing me building the building in real time that you can follow along with:

To submit, please build your submission, film a POV and/or off-ride shots of it, and post the video(s) in this thread. You can briefly describe your ride if you wish. YouTube is the website I'd recommend for uploading videos to, as this would integrate best with the Google Form when it comes to voting, but if you want to upload your video(s) using a different method, then that's also fine. If you have any issues with recording or uploading your video(s), please don't hesitate to contact me. I will try my best to assist you.

May I once again emphasise that this is a coaster layout building contest. By all means add some light theming and landscaping if you wish, but the coaster layout should ideally be the focus. Quality of coaster layout is pretty much the be all and end all here; heavy theming won't gain you any points, and no theming won't lose you any points.

The submission deadline for Round 10 is Friday 24th January 2025 at 11:45pm. If you struggle for time and would like me to extend the deadline, please PM me or request an extension in this thread before the deadline. If you do not make contact with me and ask for an extension, I will assume that you simply do not want to compete in this round and move on after the posted deadline.

I think that's all I need to cover for Week 10. Good luck with Round 10, folks! If you have any questions or concerns about the round, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am always more than happy to help.

Get building for Round 10 and voting for Round 9, everybody!
Hi Matt, was just about to do my voting now, but the form has closed. Did I miss the deadline? (Sorry I said I was meant to do it a couple of days ago, I’ve been so busy at the minute)
Sorry @tactic, I completely missed this. You didn't miss the deadline, I just went into autopilot and accidentally shut the form an hour or two early! Apologies for that...

For future reference, I tend to start compiling the Weekly Digests at around 10pm. I try not to shut the voting forms early when doing this, but sometimes I do go into autopilot and forget (like today)...
My Round 10 submission is now here... say hello to Cyclone of Penitence, a Mack Rides Launch Coaster:
Cyclone of Penitence Overview.png

The ride stats are as follows:
  • Name: Cyclone of Penitence
  • Manufacturer: Mack Rides
  • Model: Launch Coaster (Custom)
  • Height: 44ft/13m
  • Speed: 50mph/80kph
  • Length: 2,887ft/880m
  • Inversions: 0
  • Airtime Moments: 6
  • Maximum Positive G-Force: 4.1G overall/3.4G heatmap
  • Maximum Negative G-Force: -1.4G overall/-0.7G heatmap
  • Trains: 3 trains with 5 cars/20 riders
  • Throughput: 1,510pph (75-76 trains per hour, 1 train every ~48s)
If you'd like to play around with Cyclone of Penitence for yourself, here's the Steam Workshop link you can download it from: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3410091273

So that's Cyclone of Penitence, my Round 10 submission! I hope you like it!
Just to remind everyone, we are now over halfway through Week 10. 2 days remain until the deadlines close and the Week 11 Weekly Digest is dropped.

I’ve had 1 response to the Round 9 Voting Google Form so far, and that is my own. If you’d like to vote for your Round 9 favourites, here’s the form allowing you to do so: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d...O2TjGgQ_O6tzsYxDJjQ/viewform?usp=dialog&pli=1

There have been 2 submissions for Round 10 so far, including my own. If you would like a deadline extension for Round 10, please notify me before the deadline and I would be happy to facilitate one for you. If you have any issues with uploading videos or anything at all, get in touch with me and I would be very happy to solve these issues for you. If you do not get into contact with me before the deadline, I will assume that you are happy forfeiting this round and move on.

The deadline for both Round 10 building and Round 9 voting is Friday 24th January 2025 at 11:45pm. The Week 11 Weekly Digest will be posted on Saturday 25th January 2025 at 12am.
Underestimated how much I could build this evening, I got half way finished today so will defo have it done by tomorrow. Sorry for being so hopeless with this all at the minute mocks are doing my head in.
Underestimated how much I could build this evening, I got half way finished today so will defo have it done by tomorrow. Sorry for being so hopeless with this all at the minute mocks are doing my head in.
Not a problem @tactic; I know very well that not everyone will be able to play every week, and that people are busy.
As engagement seems to be quite thin on the ground this week, I thought I’d remind you all that less than a day remains of Week 10. Just over 13 hours remain until the deadlines close and the Week 11 Weekly Digest is dropped.

I’ve had 1 response to the Round 9 Voting Google Form so far, and that is my own. If you’d like to vote for your Round 9 favourites, here’s the form allowing you to do so: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d...O2TjGgQ_O6tzsYxDJjQ/viewform?usp=dialog&pli=1

There have been 3 submissions for Round 10 so far, including my own. If you would like a deadline extension for Round 10, please notify me before the deadline and I would be happy to facilitate one for you. If you have any issues with uploading videos or anything at all, get in touch with me and I would be very happy to solve these issues for you. If you do not get into contact with me before the deadline, I will assume that you are happy forfeiting this round and move on.

Would anyone like an extension to Round 10 building and/or Round 9 voting? I just think engagement seems quite low this week currently, so I’m just curious to know whether anyone needs longer to build their submission or vote for their Round 9 favourites.
My Week 10 submission - Mapped Out:

From: https://youtu.be/eXBg-GIFWkc

Manufacturer: Gerstlauer
Model: Launched Eurofighter
Max Height: 48ft
Speed: 49mph
Length: 2106ft
Inversions: 5
Airtime Count: 3
Max Vertical Gs: 4.62g
Max Lateral Gs: 1.67g
Min Vertical Gs: -1.60g

Nice submission @tactic! Your ride has a great mix of airtime and inversions, and you’ve managed to work some really crafty manoeuvres in there, particularly in terms of hangtime!
@Matt N I'm having severe internet speed restrictions here. The video will upload, I am unsure if it'll be done by midnight. I fear some of the hamsters that provide the power to run the internet have been blown away in the storm.