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TowersStreet Progress Discussion

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what image this one ?


can you copy that or do you want the gif file?
May I suggest that the "forums" tab on the home page is either made more prominant or to a more obvious position? The forums is the main part of the site, & if TS is to attract more members, more attention needs to be drawn the the forums.

I see the idea that it is just a "part" of the site, but it does play the largest role on the website. Moving forums to the right, seperated from the main bar would make all the difference. Just something to make it more prominant. For members and guests.

Just thought I'd share my thoughts.


Blizzard said:
May I suggest that the "forums" tab on the home page is either made more prominant or to a more obvious position? The forums is the main part of the site, & if TS is to attract more members, more attention needs to be drawn the the forums.

I see the idea that it is just a "part" of the site, but it does play the largest role on the website. Moving forums to the right, seperated from the main bar would make all the difference. Just something to make it more prominant. For members and guests.

Just thought I'd share my thoughts.



I agree, it blends in too much with the other tabs IMO. You don't see it unless you're looking for it.
Another way in which the forums could become more prominent on the home page is by having a section in the scrolling box on there.


Something simple like 'join our forums today and get involved' - or something along those lines at least.

Might attract new members to the forums.
James said:
Another way in which the forums could become more prominent on the home page is by having a section in the scrolling box on there.


Something simple like 'join our forums today and get involved' - or something along those lines at least.

Might attract new members to the forums.

Funnily enough, the banner is something the team have been discussing in the last few days and the forum is one of the options :D.
Is anyone else finding their first attempt to log in always fails?

Doesn't matter what device I am using, I always have to enter my username and password twice.
What's odd is that I'm not getting an "incorrect whatever" message. I enter my whatots, click log in or hit enter (makes no difference), the page loads and it's the same index page as before... but I'm not logged in. Re entering my details a second time will log me in straight away.

The first few times I thought it was just me making a typo, but this has been happening for a few weeks now.
I've been having a similar issue. I always log in from the sites home page and although I've saved my details so I know they are right I always get directed to the log in page where it does work.

- Sorry if I'm a bit vague, using a Tablet.
Yeah I've had that as well when logging in on the computers at uni, very strange!

I'm glad it's not just me :p

I just tried logging in, I figgured there was no point wasting time on the first attempt, so I just mashed at keys randomly for username and password, then hit enter.
Sure enough, the page that loaded was identical to where I was before. Just the standard index page. No "username or password unrecognised" message.

I then entered my details for real and logged straight in.

(If it helps, this time I am using Dolphin HD on my iPad. But The same thing happens with Firefox on win7)
DiogoJ42 said:
I'm glad it's not just me :p

I just tried logging in, I figgured there was no point wasting time on the first attempt, so I just mashed at keys randomly for username and password, then hit enter.
Sure enough, the page that loaded was identical to where I was before. Just the standard index page. No "username or password unrecognised" message.

I then entered my details for real and logged straight in.

(If it helps, this time I am using Dolphin HD on my iPad. But The same thing happens with Firefox on win7)

Mine just leaves me logged in.
The login issue should be fixed now - I'm just trying to fix the logout issue now! ::)

Can those that had problems just test and check the login now?

The login and logout should both be working now, I've tried them on as many platforms as possible. It turns out there was actually a setting slightly wrong in the SMF admin panel that broke many things, including the logout button.

Also you might notice a small change in that when you login or logout it keeps you on the same page as what you logged in or logged out on - this is the default design, but was also "broken" by the setting that was incorrect (as I suspect this may cause some confusion now when people have previously been redirected to the forum when they login/logout).
Running Chrome on Windows 8 in app mode AND desktop mode and neither of them will log out or log in on first attempt.

Done it in both normal AND incognito modes
Dolphin 6.1 on iPad OS 5.1.1:
Still takes two attempts to log in. Cannot log out at all unless I clear all browser data.

Firefox 12.0 on Win7:
Same as above.

I asked Kelpie to try it on her laptop with her profile...
Firefox 18.0.1 on Win XP:
Logs in first time, but cannot log out.

Hope that makes some sense mate :/

EDIT: if it helps, this is the URL of the page I get the first time I attempt to log in:
The logout issue I just fixed (it was an incorrect link being generated) so that should be right now.

The login issue should definitely be fixed though - are you sure you're not looking at a cached page still with the different/incorrect form that I altered?

Just try refreshing the page a few times, or try logging in from some random page on the site you've not visited before too?
I certainly can log out now :)

Still having to log in twice though, even after clearing all data. Tried a few pages that I'm pretty sure I've not seen before and still no joy.
Login and out working fine for me, running firefox 18.0.2 and Chrome 24.0.1312.57 m on win XP sp3
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