A trio of classic 70's sci fi for you. The first I've seen before, the other two were on my "how the hell have I not seen these yet‽" list [SPOILERS!]:
Capricorn One:
Lets assume NASA didn't stop after the moon landings. Lets assume they pressed on to Mars. Now assume there was a critical error in their hardware that meant the astronauts would not survive... but they found out before launch... but too late to abort... And the cold war is still going strong. (Made in the 70's but set somewhere in the mid 80's).
What follows is a masterpiece in how to slowly (and it IS slow by modern standards) build suspense, ending in what must have been (for it's time) one of the most insane chase scenes ever recorded on celuloid.... all without a musical soundtrack; just the natural noise of the vehicals' engines.
A billion conspiracy theories were founded on this film. Or did the theories inspire the film? Answers on a postcard!
Erm, yes. Interesting in it's own way, and by no means bad, but unless you have a particular desire to see Sean Connery running around in a loin cloth, or watch wannabe Eric Idols do hippie stuff, or hear a giant stone head declare "the penis is evil!"... Not one to prioritise.
Soylent Green:
There is only one spoiler to be had in this film, and unfortunately I've known it for decades. Yet somehow I only saw it for myself a few minutes ago. So let's not dwell on the plot and ruin it for those who haven't (I'm assuming that the only human left alive who doesn't know it must be Balsdon).
Far, far better than I expected. Everything about it screams "classic". The acting, direction, cinematography etc etc just
oozes class. Up there with 2001... (only, you know, not stuffed up it's own arse.)
Was considering squeezing
Logan's Runin to the mix as well, but I've seen it many times. Besides, Jenny Agutter has done sooooo many better nude scenes.....
Let's see, what came first? Oh yes, the series, then the film,
then the coaster.

I'm not a huge fan of westerns, but this is too good. Think of it as a comedy heist story, with multiple threads to keep track of and a tripple whammy "didn't see that comming" ending. Mid 90's Mel Gibson at his best. Before he went crazy.
Also saw
Wonderwoman, but given that I know nothing (or give a smeg) about comic / super hero films, I don't feel I can judge it. It's no
Batman, put it that way.