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Turning a corner or a False Dawn? Towers and it's future

Hmm... I've just realised that a trip to Alton Towers can be very expensive as staying on site costs hugely.

At the same time, I've visited Phantasialand earlier this year and the flights, hotel for 4 days and the park tickets for two days appear to have cost less than a trip to Towers staying on site alone for a similar amount of time.

I did stay off site but it's worth a thought that for a better experience, it's cheaper to fly to Europe in some cases.
Well Altons' management are not exactly going to say "It's been a dreadful year, don't come back in 2025!", however Hex and Skyride coming back (with a mystery flatride) will hopefully be another shot in the arm, alongside with the Nemesis Reborn and Curse of Alton Manor.

But that’s exactly my point. The park’s latest spin is regularly divorced from the reality on the ground. People will naturally be pessimistic if they’re constantly promised the best season ever, only for the reality to be very different.

That pessimism for some is perhaps exacerbated when you see people falling for the spin.

An example:

Person X last year: it’s absolutely brilliant that Alton Towers have such a packed events calendar.

Person X this year: it’s absolutely brilliant that Alton Towers have reduced their number of events so they can “focus on quality”.