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UK Politics General Discussion

What will be the result of the UK’s General Election?

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Ew Anderson and Farage in parliament.

Though don't think you'll be hearing them much in the far back benches.

Wonder how many of their vote share are 2019 Tory voters. Purely eating up the rhetoric and bollocks about immigrants and net zero being a bad thing.

Clacton would be better in the sea anyway.

Edit - Leicester East sounds like a purely Gaza related issue. Which shows how weird some areas can be in regards to voting (and extreme short sightedness).
My current prediction: Lab win, (no DUH).... but Reform opposition. Net result: The death of the Tories as we know them.
I may have occasionally known for pirate baiting...but come on you bloody swashbuckler.
Shiver my timbers...Reform will not be the opposition, they won't even manage third, and the Tories will sadly bounce back, these things happen, they are a huge machine wrapped in big business.
Landslide Labour majority as expected...Reform squished by good old first past the post...it has its uses.
Ashworth losing was worth staying up for alone. The horrible little toad.

Shame Streeting didn't follow him but he's currently throwing a wobbly that people had the nerve to point out how he wants to privatise the NHS and that he supported the genocide in Gaza. He'll 100% be moving elsewhere before 2029.
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...and in the local news...wow!
I thought I would be born, live and die under Labour, but good luck to our new indy mp...Adnan Hussein.
One issue election really round here.
Very surprised, as the alternative vote was split, so it would have been a mega landslide if Craig Murray (Galloways lot) had stood down.

Now the news of how bad the tory stuffing has got.

The Ribble Valley waves the Red Flag...
All my punters...all my right wing customers...now have a nice decent local Labour mum with two lids for an mp.
Sorry to see Nigel Evans go, but worth it overall.
Make no mistake this is a bad result for Starmer, Labours share of the vote is basically the same as Corbyn, that’s not a ringing endorsement for change.
The Tory vote has collapsed and surprisingly not turned out, it hasn’t changed to Labour.
The only parties that can celebrate are The Greens and Reform.
With a vote share this low there will have to be another election soon, no party in history has governed for long with this little public support.
Absolutely chuffed for you that you were able to have your first vote count towards such a historic result in the Forest of Dean @Matt N !

My first vote was in the 2009 European Parliament election when the BNP ended up winning seats. Tonight is the first time I've been able to fully celebrate.
With a vote share this low there will have to be another election soon, no party in history has governed for long with this little public support.


If people able to vote haven't done so that's their own democratic choice. Don't believe people should be forced to vote either, but it's down to the person to actually get off their arse and do so.

The old "they're all the same" viewpoint probably contributes to this far more than anything else.
Make no mistake this is a bad result for Starmer, Labours share of the vote is basically the same as Corbyn, that’s not a ringing endorsement for change.
The Tory vote has collapsed and surprisingly not turned out, it hasn’t changed to Labour.
The only parties that can celebrate are The Greens and Reform.
With a vote share this low there will have to be another election soon, no party in history has governed for long with this little public support.
Now come on...give them credit instead of filthy sour grapes, have a little bit of grace my friend.
Weren't you the one insistant there would be no Labour landslide...
I hear on the BBC that is was the worst Tory performance ever...
Harper is gone! We have gone from a safe Tory seat to a very, very marginal Labour seat, with Matt Bishop only beating Transport Secretary Mark Harper by around 200 votes!
Absolutely chuffed for you that you were able to have your first vote count towards such a historic result in the Forest of Dean @Matt N !
Oddly, part of me feels secretly quite satisfied that we were a very marginal Labour win, as in an odd kind of way, it makes me feel like my vote actually counted!
Now come on...give them credit instead of filthy sour grapes, have a little bit of grace my friend.
Weren't you the one insistant there would be no Labour landslide...
I hear on the BBC that is was the worst Tory performance ever...
What are you giving them credit for? The SNP and Tories deciding to implode in the build up to a general election? Farage deciding that this time he wasn't going to pull candidates in order to help the Tories?

Without the SNP deciding to shoot itself repeatedly, Labour's vote share wouldn't have moved an iota from 2019's 'Worst Election Result In History'.

Starmer's message of change managing to inspire fewer people in his own constituency to vote at all in 2024 than voted for him alone in 2017 is the perfect summary. They've done absolutely nothing.
I'm shocked that reform have not done aswell as what was predicted before I went up the wooden hills to Bedfordshire last night. We shall see how loud the 4ish will be.

Being in a new constituency now, I am now under labour. I was genuinely expecting a reform bloke here. Since he's a cockney that has only come to our area to wave at it. I shouldn't be shocked.

As I speak......... The laughing stock that is Liz Truss is given more opportunity to laugh at her, by running away from her own declaration. SHE ARRIVED. This is going to be good.

She looking like she doesn't want to be there.

No idea what to do with her arm.

Cold dead stare.

We have just seen her soul leave her body

The fat lady sings........she has fallen.
They have just said on the BBC.

Cameron, Johnson, May and Truss's seats have all moved to labour. With sunak, being the only con PM since 2009 to hold his seat for the cons. Staggering statistics as they would have been the safest of safe seats.

Anyway, on a massive plus JRM will be crying on nannies lap all day.
I may have occasionally known for pirate baiting...but come on you bloody swashbuckler.
Shiver my timbers...Reform will not be the opposition, they won't even manage third, and the Tories will sadly bounce back, these things happen, they are a huge machine wrapped in big business.
Landslide Labour majority as expected...Reform squished by good old first past the post...it has its uses.
A guy can dream, right?