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UK Politics General Discussion

What will be the result of the UK’s General Election?

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Well, balls

British public FTL. Reform have clearly found the sweet spot between appealing to the racists without being so overtly racist as to scare away people who care (even slightly) about not being perceived as racist.
I might be wrong, but I can see 2 things happening with reform.

1, depending on who the next Tory leader is, they will merge back into the Tory party. I can see Nigel wanting a crack at PM. That's the only real path for him.

2, the party will slowly fade back into the background. Like UKIP and the Brexit party. I can't see Nigel and his cronies keeping there noses clean for 5 years and keeping momentum going. At some stage, they will need bigger funding.
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Reform have clearly found the sweet spot between appealing to the racists without being so overtly racist as to scare away people who care (even slightly) about not being perceived as racist.
I think this shows there's an undercurrent that Labour need to be aware of and address before the next election. There's a lot of discontent and that needs to be addressed.

I'm not sure where Reform will be in five years. Either they will become stronger and gain momentum, or people voted Reform simply because they wanted a right wing party but couldn't face voting for the Cons and maybe they'll go back to them once the party gets its house back in order.
[mention]Dobba [/mention] - do yourself a favour and give up paying so much attention to politics and allowing yourself to be affected so much. It will be the best gift you can give yourself, trust me.
[mention]Dobba [/mention] - do yourself a favour and give up paying so much attention to politics and allowing yourself to be affected so much. It will be the best gift you can give yourself, trust me.
I thought it'd take at least 24 hours before racism became good again.
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Cabinet appointments are now well underway with no huge surprises. Personally I’m interested who will be appointmented for Equality … if Starmer is the Transphobe the hard left so desperately want him to be it’ll go to Rosie Duffield …
Reform are up to 5 seats now.

What I find really scary is this….. given how close some places were with reform coming 2nd place, if Labour screw this up, we could be looking at Farage being PM in the next general election. And we thought Boris was bad. Is the worst yet to come?
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Yep . FPTP is a shocking system .

Labour only picked up a third of all votes and got a landslide. And they only got 1.5% more votes than in the last general election.

Lib Dems got a similar vote from last time but gained 63 more seats.

Reform got 14.3% of the vote compared to the 12.2% for the Lib Dems but got just 4 seats compared to the Lib Dems 71.

It is a terrible system and although Labour and Lib Dems will be claiming it's what the people wanted. The reality is that almost the same amount of people voted for them as in the last election.

Although people have effectively been able to vote out what they don't want, which is also good.

Actually, that's how we should do it from now on. Stick them all in the big brother house and vote them out one by one.
Although people have effectively been able to vote out what they don't want, which is also good.

Actually, that's how we should do it from now on. Stick them all in the big brother house and vote them out one by one.

Nah, Battle Royale style. Broadcast to the nation.
Cabinet appointments are now well underway with no huge surprises. Personally I’m interested who will be appointmented for Equality … if Starmer is the Transphobe the hard left so desperately want him to be it’ll go to Rosie Duffield …
Hopefully! Locally loved, nationally respected MP with ample experience at the job, as well as an unwavering dedication to said job in the face of years of harassment by terminally online people. Witch hunts are no longer in style.
The Conservative Party, is still the best base on which to build a rival to Labour. Farage and his cronies will be looking to either join it or influence it. Very good reporters have said he has been quoted as saying he hoped the Tories would come to him after the election.

Sadly the dream of the Tories being knocked into third didn't happen, so they will certainly come back at some point - potentially as soon as 2029 unless Labour establishes a strategy better than what it has displayed today in its appointments.

20% of people went out and voted for Labour yesterday. That is lower than Corbyn in the 2019 so-called historic defeat where Starmer and others were to blame for the loss due to the stupidity of talking about a second Brexit vote, let alone the 2017 election under Corbyn.

We will see if Starmer is clever enough to survive more than one term. There is huge work to be done.
Even though I do think Farage's plan is to become Tory leader, to do so now would REALLY piss off those who voted Reform to stick it to them.

Though the cult following types wouldn't care.
Hopefully! Locally loved, nationally respected MP with ample experience at the job, as well as an unwavering dedication to said job in the face of years of harassment by terminally online people. Witch hunts are no longer in style.
She’s a prominent Terf, is chums with JK Rowling and Posie Parker, and doesn’t oppose conversion therapy … hardly fit for government never mind being Equalities minister. She is a self proclaimed “Gender Critical” voice who refuses to acknowledge trans women as women, and doesn’t want them to have access to safe spaces. She said she’d “rather go to prison” than respect Eddie Izzard’s identity
She’s a prominent Terf, is chums with JK Rowling and Posie Parker, and doesn’t oppose conversion therapy … hardly fit for government never mind being Equalities minister. She is a self proclaimed “Gender Critical” voice who refuses to acknowledge trans women as women, and doesn’t want them to have access to safe spaces. She said she’d “rather go to prison” than respect Eddie Izzard’s identity

Women, of all groups in society, have every right to reject Men who identify as Women, just as they have every right to embrace them. This culture of purity politics aimed solely at Women in the public eye has been dying a death for quite a while in wider society, in the law, the media, etc. Anyone is free to identify as anything, that doesn't mean they literally are that thing and everyone around them has to affirm it at all costs or they'll disappear into a cloud of glitter and genocide. Like, the sheer expectation to indulge the narcissism is unreal, but anyway. Rosie, being a Woman, is 100% entitled to reject Eddie Izzards identity. If she was the existential terror the gender cult paints her to be, she wouldn't be in a job today.
Women, of all groups in society, have every right to reject Men who identify as Women, just as they have every right to embrace them. This culture of purity politics aimed solely at Women in the public eye has been dying a death for quite a while in wider society, in the law, the media, etc. Anyone is free to identify as anything, that doesn't mean they literally are that thing and everyone around them has to affirm it at all costs or they'll disappear into a cloud of glitter and genocide. Like, the sheer expectation to indulge the narcissism is unreal, but anyway. Rosie, being a Woman, is 100% entitled to reject Eddie Izzards identity. If she was the existential terror the gender cult paints her to be, she wouldn't be in a job today.
That’s just section 28 dressed up for the 2020s - reject it and it will go away is a strategy that never works

The fact is, gender identity is a protected characteristic, and there is already robust law in place to protect single sex spaces. The narrative that has been allowed to take hold has led to huge rises in transphobia, attacks, and ultimately the murder of a teenage girl

If you don’t care about the politic climate and voices (including Rosie Duffield’s) that led to that I don’t know what else I can say and it certainly isn’t something that I wish to “debate” further


On reflection, this does veer from the Election topic, so I’d like to add that Posie Parker actually only gained 0.5% of the vote for her “women’s Party” - her so called voice for the silent majority who oppose Trans rights. Her silent majority is actually tiny
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