Radio 4 in the night on the world service, and it has been reported in the (too) extensive coverage in the good old Guardian online and in I newspaper in print.
I thought of you in the middle of the night...sweetie.
A search of the Grauniad website gives me nothing?
Latest news, sport, business, comment, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice
The only thing I've found seems to be a variation of this article which without quoting it to death is agenda based and something of a misrepresentation of what is happening. The wording of it suggest to me they know what they are doing too. The article doesn't state these offences are jumping the queue or that any other trial has been bumped, things they absolutely would mention to prove their point if they had happened.
Again, I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've still not seen anything that says it has and am genuinely interested to read about it.
Why can't sexual assaults experience the same 'swift justice' that rioters are seeing? Because they aren't even remotely similar investigations.
Clear CCTV of you strolling out of Greg's with your tray of steak bakes or wheeling your bin on fire at a police van? Investigation complete, of to court you go.
Allegation of sexual assault, you might need forensic analysis, mobile phone downloads, multiple statements, medical records. All sorts that can take ages, months, and there is really not a lot that can be done about that. If the evidence is there offenders can be in court the next day, and in VAWG cases and domestic cases this does happen, often, but equally often it can't.
They know this, but it doesn't make a good story.