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Watched anything good lately?

The Outlaws series 3 is probably my favourite of the year so far, it's not dropped off at all.

James Blunt documentary on Netflix was surprisingly good too, some incredible war stories and he really is funny. Worth a watch.
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Watched Mad God last night, a bizarre, fantastical, disturbing stop-motion animated film by Phil Tippett. Tried to watch it last year with an entirely sober mind and it was just a bit much. Went in with a medicated mind last night and it was still too much, but much more enjoyable as an experience. I'd classify it as an endurance watch if you're not into surreal, gristly grime, but absolutely worth it for those with an open mind! It's the director's passion project, started working on it 30 years ago after he'd finished working on Robocop 2. Worth it for horror heads and fans of surreal stop-motion animation, not recommended for those with a delicate constitution or the easily disturbed. 😂
