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What are you listening to?

Well my grandma is currently listening to Michael buble on her iPod.

Oh yes she's 72 & very technologically litterate!


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Loving all the new Muse songs at the moment. It's like TR never happened. Hopefully the other songs on the album will be good too. I have high hopes for Isolated System after hearing 90s of it, as well as Liquid State. Big Freeze on the other hand...I just hope it's not Guiding Light 2.0

All the descriptions say it will be, but then we all thought Follow Me, Panic Station and Animals would be crap and look how they've turned out, so there's hope!

I'm enjoying the lack of piano on this album, but I'm interested to see what Explorers is like, it's been described as being lyrically similar to Blackout but on piano, so it could be good, but it could also be terrible.

Liquid State will be amazing. Every heavy track so far has been awesome, Survival's first half and lyrics aside, and Chris' other song is stunning, so I guarantee Liquid State will be up there with Supremacy. It's a lot of hype, but Supremacy lived up to it and so will Liquid State.
Is it just me, or does the start of 'Follow Me' by Muse bear a striking resemblance to Hoodoo from BH&R?
Does a bit. Shame the lyrics aren't in the same league as Hoodoo's though.

But I think with Follow Me and Madness, and hopefully Big Freeze, Resistance, Undisclosed Desires, Guiding Light and Even Starlight need never darken a setlist ever again.

Purely for the video ;)

Can't decide on my favourite. Think I'm going for blonde bob, quite fond of the Jemima Roper a-like too.

Think I'll have another watch to make sure!!!
For those Muse fans who haven't heard the new album:


Not bad, but seeing videos of them, it seems that the album is under-produced, and somewhat lacking at some parts. Some songs would be better had they been edited better. Live though, this album is sure to succeed.

Just a quick review:

1. Supremacy- a good opening track, but with all the hype, I'm a little disappointed. It has a heavy riff. So what, it's no where near the quality of other's like Plug In Baby, Citizen Erased or Dead Star. Not bad though, and the opening is good. One of those songs that feels under-produced, and poorly edited. Quite OTT, but in a good way. Overall, I quite like it, but not one of my favourites.


2. Madness- when first hearing, I thought it was awful. Really, really bad. It seems to have grown on me though, and I quite like it now. The solo still seems pointless and awkward, but it's quite a well put-together song without it. Not bad, but the second half of the song is a big improvement on the first.


3. Panic Station- now we're talking about it. A very catchy song which is unexpected but welcome. I was surprised when hearing this song, as it wasn't really what I expected. Really very good, with interesting vocals, guitar and bass work going on. The trumpets feel like they fit well in the song, and the riff after the second chorus is excellent- one of my favourites from Muse. A great song.


4/5. Prelude/Survival- Prelude is a great opening to a song, with a gentle build-up and excellent piano and strings going on. Then IT arrives. Half great, half very, very poor. The start is a joke, and I still can't bear it. I mean, why have that choir, WHY? The lyrics are so poor and unimaginative. The chorus and the solo are great, and show a great improvement on the first bit. The song is OTT, but not in a good way. Probably my least favourite song on the album, which is a shame, because some of it is great.


6. Follow Me- the best (if it becomes one) single on the album. By far. Exactly what one should be. Very different to the live version, but I like the album version as well. It's strange, because the electronic elements are heavy, and they work well. It's basically dub-step, but works well. Much better than I expected when hearing early reviews.


7. Animals- EASILY THE BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM. This song is everything I love about Muse, and is beautiful and well put together. Sounds like the epicness of Origin of Symmetry mixed with the heavy riffs of Absolution. Combining Screenager with Thoughts of a Dying Atheist, Ruled By Secrecy with a bit of Stockholm Syndrome at the end. I really, really like this song. Could be in my top 10 favourite Muse songs, and that's saying something, because there's no songs in the past 9 years that have done it.


8. Explorers- er... really quite boring. Good in parts, but is mainly very average. Incomparable with past slow songs like Falling Away With You and Unintended. It's alright, but nothing special by any means.


9. Big Freeze- OK, I know it's crap, but I actually like it. I don't know why, but I think it's a fairly good song. Some of it may sound like Guiding Light mixed with U2, but the part after the chorus is awesome. Really, pretty much one of the best moments on the album, and the vocals on it are great. Shame it ends too soon. The rest is awful, but I seem to like it for some reason. Really weird.


10. Save Me- this is a great song from the bassist Chris, beautiful, emotional with good vocals from Chris. The ending is excellent, and the song is a great overall build-up. Very Elbow-ish, and did I mention the ending? :p Great song.


11. Liquid State- so much was expected, mainly a mix up of two of my favourite songs (Hyper Music and The Small Print) which have great bass. What we were given was incredibly average and hugely disappointing. Very, very average. There's actually nothing special or "Musey" about it, it could just be "any old band" who wrote it. Not happy.


12. Unsustainable- despite the original hype of "OMG, Muse gon dub-step, OMG" and "Muse a sell-outs", this is actually, in my opinion, a good song. Interesting, diverse, and the bit after the first chorus is great. The song comes together, and is very good. Like some other songs, like Big Freeze, it has one very good part, with the others being average. Good song though.


13. Isolated System- boring, dull, uninteresting. There's SO much more they could have done with this, so much more. It ends up feeling incomplete, and ends the album on a hugely poor note. Even at 4:00 minutes of the song (after listening through a bunch of dribble), when it reaches it's crescendo, I can only think on how much potential is wasted. They could have gone and done something like Exogenesis, but instead, they stopped the song before it got going. The drums are poor. A poor end.


So, overall, a OK album that's severely disjointed in parts, with a couple of good songs that stand out. The album promised so much when it was played (some songs) live, and they sounded so good.

Overall, I'll give it 7.5/10. Probably slightly better than the Resistance, but that's not saying a lot. Not really close to the others. Animals is kick-ass though. :p

Also, just noticed a banner on Youtube For Nicki Minaj's new album, titled 'Pound the Alarm'. Well at least we know what she does in her spare time!

So Muse cover U2, you love it, Muse finally remember how to do proper rock, you hate it? Makes so much sense.

Swap the ratings for those two, lower Explorers and give Isolated System a big boost, then I'd pretty much agree.

IS is a brilliant closer. Although it pulls an Exogenesis and shows how big and concept-y the album could have been. The point of the song is to build up to nothing. It's a beautiful, haunting, hopeless ending.

Supremacy is easily one of the best songs they've ever done. I'd put the album third, based on the leak and the Guardian stream. Won't go any higher because it's not a heavy rock album, but it could go lower depending on how it ages. Will be interesting to hear the busier songs in full CD/FLAC quality, and every track besides Explorers, Big Freeze and Isolated System are going to be live beasts.
Been listening through the 2nd law a few times and I'm really enjoying it. :p

Sorry Blaze but I think I prefer it to Absolution, just my opinion though. :) Probably my 3rd or 2nd favorite Muse Album can't decide if I prefer it to BH&R. At the moment my favorite songs on the album are Supremacy, Madness, Panic Station, Survival, Follow Me, Animals, Big Freeze (Don't know why :p), Save Me and Unsustainable.

Probably not the level of Rock that I was expecting from the album but I still like. :)
Supremacy is overrated.

I'm not sure why I gave Explorers a 7, it's more like a 6.

Isolated System is not good. So disappointing, the build-up is good, but it could have gone into a heavier ending. I'm not pleased about it.

Big Freeze is just so bad... but I like it. It's catchy, and works well. Who gives a f*** that it's U2, it's hard to make any song that doesn't sound like anything.

Animals is just so good though, so good.

Ryan, how can this be better than Absolution, just how?!

Later tonight, I'll make a list of the ratings of every Muse song I've heard, to compare this album to the others.
Better than Absolution? Hahahahahahahaha

I've put this above BH&R because the production of that album is so, so terrible. It may stay there, it may not.

I really recommend playing with the order. Unsustainable should open it for a start. Better order, do something with Explorers, un-U2 the verses of Big Freeze, fix Unsustainable so it's not a lazy copy and paste job at the end, shorten Save Me, lengthen Liquid State, maybe make the guitar blow ups heavier and longer, and they'd be onto a winner.

And Liquid State doesn't sound like Muse? It strongly recalls Hysteria in the bass riff and Unnatural Selection in the guitar I thought.

Plug In Baby better than Supremacy? Plug In Baby's a pop song with a heavy riff! :p
I don't know why but I'm just not a fan of Absolution, there are only 3 songs of the Album that I can get into and they are Hysteria, Time is running out and Butterflies and Hurricanes. I can't say I really enjoy listening to any other of the songs that's not to say I don't see why others do. Not a fan of Stockholm Syndrome at all, I've gave it plenty of listens but not once have I found myself thoroughly enjoying it.

To be honest if it weren't for awful songs like Guiding Light and Undisclosed Desires on The Resistance I'd prefer that to Absolution.

Edit: Plug in Baby a Pop song? Plug in Baby is awesome and is far better than Supremacy.
RyanY said:
I don't know why but I'm just not a fan of Absolution, there are only 3 songs of the Album that I can get into and they are Hysteria, Time is running out and Butterflies and Hurricanes. I can't say I really enjoy listening to any other of the songs that's not to say I don't see why others do. Not a fan of Stockholm Syndrome at all, I've gave it plenty of listens but not once have I found myself thoroughly enjoying it.

To be honest if it weren't for awful songs like Guiding Light and Undisclosed Desires on The Resistance I'd prefer that to Absolution.

Er... TSP, Blackout, S4A, Apocalypse Please and FAWY down please you then?! Stockholm Syndrome is great.

The Resistance has no stand-out individual songs, they are all fairly average. Exogenesis is genius though.

PiB is far better than Supremacy, far better. The riff is incredibly well defined, catchy and well put together.

How you can say BH&R isn't put well together is incredible, it's pretty much the best in that category.