Hit a kid at 20, they will probably live.
Hit a child at 30, they will probably die.
That was what I got on my speed awareness course recently.
All for it.
Hold on!
I remember those ads. It was hit me at 40 and there's an 80% chance I'll die. Hit me at 30 and there's an 80% chance I'll live.
So are they lying to us now, did they lie to us in the past, or have all children developed bridal bones in the last 20 years?
I'm not keen on this push for lowering speed limits. Some roads yes, but changing the national speed limit like Wales are doing is crazy. Most roads are perfectly fine at 30.
My parents local council went overkill a few years back and designated all side roads as 20. Cost thousands putting up all the 20 signs, and the irony is most the roads are designed in a way that you can barely get above 20 as is.
On the flip side I know a private road that could easily be 40, but was reassigned as 20. As it's a private road literally no one sticks to it, but I never see anyone driving irresponsibly or dangerous along it, just not at the designated speed.
The speed awareness course is also frustratingly inaccurate. I did one a few years back after mistaking a 30 rode for a 40. They gave me a load of tips for how to avoide it in future; all the signs you can use to tell what speed a road should be if you can't see any signs in sight. Was completely useless advise as I've since found more roads that break the guidelines then stick to them.
In general I'd rather we just have roads with reasonable speed limits that most people are happy to stick to.
I remember years ago hearing that France drop their speed limits in poor conditions and thinking that was over complicated. But having now driven there I realise it is the reverse, their reduced speed limit is our standard limit, and in good conditions they effectively allow drivers to be more responsible.