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What's your current coaster count?

Finally hit 400 coasters today at Hersheypark, with the utterly incredible Skyrush laughably bad Laff Trakk! It was so close to being a GCI or RMC but at least this continues a theme of crap milestone coasters.
399, being a terrible Eurofighter (Vertika at La Récré Des 3 Curés) on a trip including 2 coasters made of plastic, a Jet Star and a powered looping Soquet.

400 actually looks like it might be something good.
256 right now. I think I’ve managed to more than double my creds since this time last year (even if a lot of them are wacky worms and wacky worm derivatives - thanks @Poisson 😂)

250 was also Lisebergbananarama.