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Which Rides Do You Skip?


TS Member

I’ve been several times this season and have found that I’m no longer able to fit in every ride I want to in the day. Partly due to refusal to pay for fast track….

Anyhow - I’ve not found myself skipping rides to ensure I get on my favourites.

This season I’ve not ridden Rita - and only done Galactica once. Same for Sub Terra.

I’m skipping Rita as it’s just plain awful. Awful depressing queue, painful to ride. Over in seconds. A really horrid ride

Galatica isn’t intentional- it’s just the weakest of the secret weapons in my opinion.

Sub Terra. It’s just. Meh. Good idea but in each iteration of the ride it’s just been poorly executed. I can live without it. (Although if I went on a rainy day would make an effort to ride it)

So my question is - what rides do you purposely skip. And why?
If possible I never want to skip the big 7, but if it’s busy and I have to, I usually sacrifice Th13teen or galactica,

Although on my last visit in July, we managed to do the entire big 7 (some multiple times) but didn’t have time to do Spinball, but that was a ride I was willing to miss out on as the queue just stayed long all day.

That being said, the coasters on my priority list whenever I visit are:
1. Reborn
2. Rita
3. Wicker Man
4. The Smiler
I wouldn’t say I often intentionally skip anything at Alton, but I do find that some things get deprioritised and I might go a couple of visits without riding them. For me, I would honestly say that anything that isn’t one of the big 7 often finds itself getting deprioritised unintentionally. I live too far from Alton to go overly regularly (I’m a 2.5 hour drive away on a good run), so I do sometimes go a surprisingly long time without riding some of the attractions.

For instance, I haven’t actually ridden Spinball Whizzer since 2022. It’s comfortably my least favourite of Alton’s non-kiddie coasters, and it often has a long queue, so I figure that there are other things I’d rather do.

Out of the big 7, I will try and do all of them at least once each time I visit Alton. Wicker Man, Nemesis and Oblivion are the biggest priorities for me, and I also really like Rita and Thirteen and will try and do them. The rides of the big 7 that would be deprioritised if time was tight are Smiler and Galactica, as I’m not the biggest fan of either, but I can normally do Smiler relatively quickly in the Single Rider Queue and Galactica doesn’t often seem to have a huge queue.

But in terms of rides I actually intentionally skip, the only notable rides I can think of that I always intentionally skip are:
  • Nemesis Sub-Terra: I’ve never actually done this due to a mild fear of scare actors and a dislike of that general attraction style.
  • Battle Galleons: I’ve been visiting Alton for 15 years, and while this ride has been there every time I’ve been, I’ve never done it simply because it has never appealed to me… I’ve never fancied getting that wet.
  • Octonauts Rollercoaster Adventure: I did it once back in 2019, when I was more into doing kiddie coasters to boost my coaster count than I am now, and found the experience embarrassing enough that I’ve never done it again.
I always try and do the big 7. They’re all unique in their own way and I enjoy them all. Aside from the stuff in CBeebies, I’d always skip the rides in TWoDW if it means I get on the big 7.

The one ride I definitely skip is Sub Terra. I’ve never done it because it’s just not my thing. I’m not a fan of intense, “close up” experiences and scares but maybe one day I’ll pluck up the courage!

I also tend to skip Spinball if it’s too busy. Also, the last time I went I only just managed to fit into it which kind of depressed me a bit and made me want to lose some weight. The thought of having to do the walk of shame would be really tough mentally for me.

Also unless I’m with a group on a hot day, I’ll always skip Battle Galleons.

Marauders is a must though - can’t beat a bit of muscle flexing in front of your partner and making sure you barrel spins the fastest 😛
I’m the kind of person that only visits the park once every couple of years so when I go I want to get on all of the big 8 (enough with the Spinball exclusion, it’s valid as one of the “big” coasters). If I had to make a choice and leave one of them out for time reasons though it would be Thirteen, though in practical terms if Rita was on an hour plus queue I’d rather use that time to re-ride something better.

I wouldn’t be bothered though if I didn’t get on RMT or the rapids. I’ve never done Battle Galleons before and can’t say I’m that interested in doing it. And I’ve not actually done Hex before as it’s never been running when I’ve been to the park.
At the moment, lots of rides because the skyride isn't in operation.
No chance of a second full loop because operations currently are so poor.
On my last visit, that meant no thirteen, nemesis, and galactica, so pretty poor.
I usually skip flats and water rides if there is time pressure...so always at the Towers currently.
Having been to Towers once over two days, I'd say the ones I intentionally skip are anything in Cbeebies Land, Heave Ho, Raj and Royal Carousel.

The main reason especially for Cbeebies is that I'd honestly stand out like a sore thumb as a millennial 😂

The rest I did manage to do at least once and that was pre-Curse.

I can probably tell you what I skip at Thorpe Park as I visit there so much more regularly 😅
I skip most children's rides, but I occasionally ride Octonauts. Out of the Big 7, the ride that I am most likely to skip is Rita.
I always find Galactica a faff. Even back in it's early years, I hated having to wait to get batched over the bridge to one station or the other, and that it seems to take an unconvincing amount of time to load for a ride engineered to have relatively decent capacity.
Ignoring cbeebies and the kids rides across the park, this would be my priority list, though not in any particular order.

Absolute must-dos no matter what:
Curse at Alton Manor
Hex (when it's open)

Always like to do, but wouldn't break a sweat if missed:
Runaway Train
Fabulous Fandango
Mauaraders Mayhem

Meh, wouldn't normally do them:
Sub Terra
The Blade
Battle Galleons

Looking at that list, just shows how sparse the "bigger" rides are currently.
I skip nearly every ride 😂

Only visit with my son so can’t go on anything 1.4m

He typically only wants to go on WickerMan and Thirteen but we will sometimes slip in The Curse, RMT or The Blade enroute. And Spinball if one or both of the first two are broken. Oh and occasionally Gangster Granny.

When he’s tall enough I imagine Nemesis and Galactica will get added to the rotation but that’s years away. Could certainly do with Horizon!
Always skip bar the odd rare ride: Flávio’s, Gangster Granny, Heave Ho, Battle Galleons, Marauders, Sub-Terra, Blade

Aim to ride by not too disappointed if I can’t: Smiler, Rita, Spinball, Mine Train, Rapids, Hex

Must rides on park: Wicker Man, Nemesis, Thirteen, Galactica, Oblivion, Curse

Zero interest in riding: anything not listed above.
Always skip bar the odd rare ride: Flávio’s, Gangster Granny, Heave Ho, Battle Galleons, Marauders, Sub-Terra, Blade

Aim to ride by not too disappointed if I can’t: Smiler, Rita, Spinball, Mine Train, Rapids, Hex

Must rides on park: Wicker Man, Nemesis, Thirteen, Galactica, Oblivion, Curse

Zero interest in riding: anything not listed above.

That’s pretty much all the rides on park lol