If i'm being honest i think that is quite a harsh response to Heidi.
On a side note, and i'm only asking, not trying to cause an argument, why does my original post need to be edited?
You might be right, but that's because I'm getting frustrated that
@Heidi is not actually reading what I said. If anything, I feel very sorry for her living in such fear because I don't think she needs to if it's based on false claims. She's raising some genuine concerns and her voice needs to be heard but the narrative needs to be correct to begin with.
My points are based on two things that I find offensive and that alone. I probably didn't help my case by going on a tangent of my own in my first post but if I was to simply it : 1. That this debate was started with false statements that a believe actually cause unnecessary fear when it could have been started with either facts or an opinion (which would both have been fine) and that 2. The statement that there should be harsher sentences for "male" violence is the definition of a sexist remark.
I appreciate you reaching out and asking me that question and the fact you have indicates that your opening post was in fact actually well intended. So I would like to illustrate my points.
Firstly the love of my life is sat right next to me so I read your opening post to her for her opinion. You put an emphasis on 'every woman' quite alot so I did a quick poll of both our answers. Please note that you clearly stated every woman 3 times. Not some, not many, but EVERY.
Every woman you know has taken a longer route. Her - no. Me - yes.
Has doubled back on herself. Both - no.
Has pretended to dawdle by a shop window. Both - no.
Has held her keys in her hand. Her -no Me - yes.
Has made a fake phone call. Her -no Me - yes.
Has rounded a corner and run. Both - no.
Has locked her car doors as soon as she has sat down. Her - "I don't even know how to lock the doors on the inside of my van" Me - yes.
Has avoided the top deck at night. Both - no.
Has got off a Tube stop earlier. Her "I got off the bus once because there was a creepy looking guy on there when I was 14". Me - yes
Has sighed with relief on getting home safely while locking the door. Her -no Me - yes.
Has told a cabbie to drop her off slightly further down the road. Both - no.
Every woman you know has walked home scared. Her - "maybe when I was a kid because of the stories my nan used to tell me" Me - yes.
Every woman you know.
So I hope that illustrates that by making statement's like that presented as fact, it can hurt men when you follow it up with your last sentence. I'm really not trying to have a go at you, I was just really offended by the way this thread started. If you had started it with your own fears/opinion or presented some facts and figures about male violence against women or something then it would be completely different. But I'm asking you please just to consider whether you think such statements could be considered offensive to the many good, decent men, some of which are loving fathers of women and girls, on this forum who are as horrified and appalled by what some evil men do to women and you are.
I don't think my point number 2 needs much further explanation, so I've taken the liberty of swapping to word male out myself to see if it changes anyone's mind about this point of view:
There need to be harsher/longer sentences for female violence.
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