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X-Sector Developments (Including Oblivion)

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I really like black and orange. Just make sure there's more black than orange.

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Why would pipes be painted bright orange? It looks tacky and needs sorting out. While they are at it, they can scrub the paint off the concrete logos too.

There should never be an attitude that "small things don't really matter". If anything, they are the most important.

Repainting the support markings is a very good start.
Oblivion was always orange and all the ride hosts wore bright orange uniform. I don't see the problem with them painting things orange so long as black Oscar the main colour.

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BigDave said:
Oblivion was always orange and all the ride hosts wore bright orange uniform. I don't see the problem with them painting things orange so long as black Oscar the main colour.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Why not just leave things the way they were originally designed?
I quite like the orange pipes - I think it'll compliment the ride restraints quite well.

Change isn't always a bad thing!
Oblivion's colour scheme is not really orange - it is black all the way, with orange accentuations. From a visual perspective, having bright orange details contrasting with pure black surroundings creates a very striking, slick appearance. It was a genius move in my opinion, thinking outside the box - instead of the usual 'scary' rollercoaster colours.

However, the colour orange by itself does not evoke the right emotions. By painting the pipes bright orange it throws the colour scheme off balance and looks noticeably goofy, for what is supposed to be an imposing ride. What's more they only painted some of the pipes orange, there are still many faded black pipes around Oblivion's tunnel exit and X-Cell. And they are only there because Fanta's colour scheme is bright orange, and Fanta has nothing to do with Oblivion! Even when the ride was sponsored by Coca-Cola, they didn't go around painting the theming red.

CoasterCrazyChris said:
While they are at it, they can scrub the paint off the concrete logos too.
I agree that unnecessary fiddling is very annoying, especially when the ride looked great in the first place. However, I don't see a problem with the painted logos, they hardly make much difference painted or unpainted. In fact, I am surprised the didn't think of painting them in the first place, they look quite effective now because the paint acts as a highlight. All the other logos are orange - why not those around the drop zone?

I've just noticed looking at old photos that the chevrons around the Rehydrator were in fact red to match the Coca-Cola colour scheme. However, this is unintrusive because the majority of the building was still black, and the Rehydrator used to be a drinks shop anyway. I guess they changed it to orange to match the rest of Oblivion once the sponsorship ran out.
That's the name for the newly refurbed toilet block decided then ;)

Very catchy and well themed :p
I wonder why they've left Oblivion in a half repainted state for the past few weeks? You'd have thought they'd have done it all in one go rather than half and half.
They are painting it I know staff members who have been painting it for the last few weeks by hand! There is a external company for some of it including the tunnel which they are going to paint all the tunnel.
So, the Oblivion re-paint is almost finished. It looks like they only have the lift hill left to do. It also looks like all or a large amount of X-Sector is being re-paved. I certainly wasn't expecting that! All in all, things are looking very good!

Source: TT photos.

Oblivion is looking very nice being all black again :) also, I assume by the fact that they are already repaving the paths in X-sector that it will now definitely be open in March, as if it wasn't there would be no point in doing this until the ride is nearly finished.
As I said in a earlier post it's more than likely Oblivion, Submission and Enterprise will open in March as training starts this Sunday for all teams to start training on the rides.
Would make sense to open those rides from a financial and crowd pleasing point of view - they're employing the ride staff so if you're training them you want to be able to use them! In addition, people will be kept happy by the rides being open. If people see the new ride going up it may well help drag them back later in the year too - to this day I can still remember the huge pit being dug next to oblivion and the wall next to it. It was just such an effective marketing piece.

Only worry is that opening the rest of X sector will limit the space for construction teams and delay the project longer. I do want to see this open in fully working form, avoiding another Air Tunnel
I see no reason why X Sector won't be open in March... The way construction is going, the track could be complete by season opening anyway which would mean paths could be clear and work could continue on theming and testing which would obviously need a much smaller space.

Regardless of where they are up to - having Oblivion open will provide guest satisfaction as well as hyping the new ride and encouraging people to return.

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Yeah. Well hopefully by March 16th most of the track will be up. Also from looking at the picture that someone posted on Facebook last night they're all ready in the process of restoring the concrete brick flooring in X-Sector. To be honest i think Oblivion will be open on opening day anyways.
I hope when they are relaying the paving they restore the circular pattern around the drop zone....just a small thing but attention to detail and all that!

Said this pages ago, to quote myself
But James why would they be telling staff who work in that area to start on the 1st of march if they are aren't working Feb half term? Their would be no point in telling old and new staff members to start then if the only had Hex on their line up for that side of Team South? I know a few of the old ones could be used to train the dark side of South up on CCL attractions but that wouldn't be enough work until April. Plus why would new starters be told to come back at the begininng of March when priority in coming back would be given to staff who were already trained up on Hex if X Sector wasn't to open?
but yet again no one listened! Yes inductions are this week for ride teams with training starting Monday as the staff (unless working for the techies) are working Mon-Fri until the start of season. They still have 2 weeks to get the paving properly and to make sure that all they need to do is slot track into place. It's meant to stay dry again for the next week upto 8 degrees during the day with a slight frost at night, so track and groundworks should still be continuing at a good pace.
Natalie said:
Said this pages ago, to quote myself

I don't know what it is lately Natalie, but I have highlighted posts by a few people now which seem to be completely going under the radar. For the record, I noted your post with relief - although I am not sure how it will function or indeed if it will ruin the impact a fully open Smiler would have (I am starting to agree about the "The"! Eek!).

So much great and useful information seems to be passing people by lately.

Anyway I don't want X-Sector open in some ways, this is now where the real impact of such an abysmal delay is going to really tell.

Imagine X-sector opening day, completely redone and spanking new coaster, vs a building site? Checking those pictures from the last couple of days, they look no where near finished, made me realise how far behind they are still.
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