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Your Top Worst Coasters


TS Contributor
Favourite Ride
It's been a few years by the looks of it and with 'Top Ten Coasters' running as well it'll be interesting to see what's changed in those few years. :)

Now I could only think of 6 really without really going into kids coasters which would be pointless as they're not made for adult thrills.

1.) Big Dipper (Mandy Land)
Slow, dull, painful, untrustworthy and the worst for me. I haven't ridden it for about 4 years.

2.) G-Force (Drayton Manor)
Such an uncomfortable ride with dismal throughput, miserable queue line and no real thrill factor at all.

3.) Furious Backache (Portaventura)
I really wanted to go against the grain with this ride and I went into riding it with an open mind. Sadly it lived up to it's reputation. Great launch but it's horrendous after that.

4.) Infusion (Mandy Land)
When it first moved to Mandy Land I really enjoyed the ride. The last few years it has become very uncomfortable to ride so-much-so that I don't mind if it's skipped.

5.) The Ultimate (LWV)
Hear me out :p Whilst it is easily the craziest coaster I have ridden and I love it for all the wrong reasons; You cannot escape how violently rough the ride is and how badly made it is. It had to feature.

6.) Stealth (Thorpe Park)
*Cue the hate mail!* :tonguewink: Having clocked up 300+ PMBO rides, the height doesn't thrill me. The vertical drop has been milked from Oblivion and a launch feeling no different to Rita. The ride bores me and it's simply not worth anything more than a 15 minute wait.
3 of the worst for me. =

1) (I'll get hate for this) Revolution (Mandyland). The only coaster that has made me feel like being sick Hated it, not a nice coaster.

2) Infusion (Mandyland) Had a headache after going on it.

3) Marble Madness (Pleasurewood Hills) So rough and not even a good ride to make up for the roughness.
Wait you rate Rita over Stealth. Stealth has far better theming and better views of the park.

That's what I look for in a coaster - views of the park; and what with Thorpe being so aesthetically pleasing on the eye haha :p

In all seriousness, I do rate Rita more than Stealth. Rita has a much more thrilling layout and packs the same punch on launch for me.

Also, Stealth has theming? News to me :confused:
Neither ride comes close to warranting the word theming. They are both visibly dire.


Not theming
Well anything to be honest, is better than Rita's current theming.

Before, i'd agree, it looked exatcly like Stealth. Painted cabin, few signs dotted around, same red tannoy horns and a garish tire. Now, I personally think it looks better than Stealth's theming with it's Dark Forrest take over. The tire is certainly better than Stealths anyway.


Either way they're both poorly themed coasters in the grand scheme of things.
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6.) Stealth (Thorpe Park)
*Cue the hate mail!* :tonguewink: Having clocked up 300+ PMBO rides, the height doesn't thrill me. The vertical drop has been milked from Oblivion and a launch feeling no different to Rita. The ride bores me and it's simply not worth anything more than a 15 minute wait.
Wait... stealth makes the list and collossus doesn't! Got to say it's my least favourite coaster, even worse than kiddy coasters; at least they bore you to death rather than smashing the side of your head repeatedly.

Rita vs stealth for theming... I'm going to say stealth. At least stealth's is straightforward. Rita is a mix of drag racing and evil forest. I love the atmosphere around stealth. Stealth is more immersive to watch. It is a smoother ride, I don't have to brace myself.
Painful this, headache that, load of tosh.
Having to brace yourself and endure the roughness is part of the experience for me.
Furious Baco is a brilliant ride, the launch is amazing.
As is colossus, Saw, and any other coaster that is deemed "uncomfortable" and "rough"
Jeez world first folks a coaster with pillows and a foot rest.
Stealth has an easier storyline to understand. Stealth is a drag race in the town of Amity. Rita is about escaping the Dark Forest, yet you return back in the station at the end. I actually like Dark Forest for its' unique theme but Rita still probably does not fit in.
Stealth goes up and down, it's boring. At least Rita actually does something of value after the launch
Stealth goes up and down, it's boring. At least Rita actually does something of value after the launch
Stealth is definitely not boring. There were no points in Rita where I felt I could have 'died'. This was unlike Stealth. This might be me but when Stealth launched and was going up the near vertical spine, I felt like I was being launched into space and I was quite scared. Did anyone else have this feeling?
I'm a guy that can be easily pleased when it comes to Coasters, but the one* ride I've ridden and never want to again is G-Force at Drayton. Terrible.

*I've not ridden many mind so you'll have to excuse me :p
Wait... stealth makes the list and collossus doesn't! Got to say it's my least favourite coaster, even worse than kiddy coasters; at least they bore you to death rather than smashing the side of your head repeatedly.

I does feature in the list, just at number 7 on my top coasters. I like Inversions :D

Painful this, headache that, load of tosh.
Having to brace yourself and endure the roughness is part of the experience for me.
Furious Baco is a brilliant ride, the launch is amazing.
As is colossus, Saw, and any other coaster that is deemed "uncomfortable" and "rough"
Jeez world first folks a coaster with pillows and a foot rest.

As above, Colossus features in my top ten. Roughness doesn't bother me that much, I can take a few knocks. My worst coasters feature rides that are relentlessly rough to the point of being unable to ride more than once. The Ultimate is a prime example. I would love to re-ride this as it's fantasticly fun to ride. When we did ERT I think I managed 3 re-rides before having to get off, my legs were bruised to hell.

I think for me head knocking is fine in small doses but when it's your back that gets smashed - Big Dipper, Infusion, Baco - it just gets too much.
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I have seen Sequia Adventure. Never had the courage to do it but it looks SO cool.
It is single handedly THE WORST coaster I have ever done in my life. And I was really looking forward to it because it does look cool but looks can be very much deceiving.