Sharkbait Reef By SEALIFE

Take a trip to the briny depths at the Alton Towers Resort's very own SEALIFE Centre! Come face to face with the fantastic and mysterious creatures that lurk in our big blue oceans in this spectacular attraction...

Things to see and do

Sharkbait Reef offers many experiences and fun adventures for all the family with many tanks and species to see, including:

Leaf-Cutter Ant exhibt under construction in 2020
  •  Colony Cove - Leaf-Cutter Ants have made their home in this tropical corner of Sharkbait Reef. Watch them build and feed the new colony throughout the season.
  • Skeleton Bay - the home to a fever of rays, alongside the reef's smaller sharks.
  • Enjoy a real hands on experience in the UK's only Tropical Interactive Pool, where the shrimps and other creatures will be more than obliged to give you a manicure!
  • The Education Deck - where talks about Sharkbait Reef's underwater residents take place.
  • Ocean Tank Tunnel where you can meet the inhabitants on their own level. Guests travel through a glass tunnel which takes them along the tank floor, beneath thousands of gallons of water filled with Sharks and other species.
  • View over 200 different species of fish and creatures, including rays, eels, sea-horses, and sharks.

Attraction History

Built on the site of the old 3D Cinema, Sharkbait Reef opened in 2009, a year after the rest of the Mutiny Bay. The addition bought SEALIFE to Alton Towers, inviting guests to take a trip through the depths of our ocean, and gaze in wonder at the amazing sea creatures on display.

Thirteen Tank in 2010

For the 2010 season the park added a Th13teen themed tank within Sharkbait Reef. Boasting some of the reef's creepier fish, this tank was even complete with its own mini Th13teen rollercoaster. The coaster model was later removed, but tank remained for many years until it was replaced in 2020 by Colony Cove.

2011 saw twelve new Japanese Spider crabs make the Alton Towers Resort their home, in a new area of the SEALIFE Centre known as Skeleton Bay, taking over the tank which had been home to the centre's spotted rays. The crabs only survived a year, before the rays returned.

Attraction Stats

28th March 2009


28th March 2009
Opened in Mutiny Bay

Attraction Extras

No standard Fastrack available
Souvenir Photo Available

Attraction RestrictionsMore information on height restrictions...

Minimum Height

Attraction Facts

28th March 2009

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