One thing to consider is I’m pretty sure this ride is in the GDO which (and
@Squiggs) can correct me if I’m wrong, they can build up to 5m without planning permission.
I’m not saying they are planning some big secret but it’s possible they haven’t yet settled on a final design but want the permission for the building and theming to progress.
Just a thought.
Based on more recent planning documents, I don't think that is the case, no. I actually think they need full planning permission for almost the entire of CBeebies Land, other than the corner that used to be Adventure Land, where Octonauts is.
When the planning article on Towers Street was originally written*, we thought that the old Farmyard area was now a modified GDO area (i.e. an area where they can build up to 5m without specific permission), based on the
Long Term Development Plan and the
Churnet Valley Masterplan, amongst other docs, which indicated that this was the case. However, the small print on those docs pointed out that the changes to the GDO had not actually been agreed with the local council, but were still under consideration.
More recent documents, such as the recently published
Woodland Management Plan 2023-2033, indicate that the proposed changes were never actually agreed, so Adventure Land is still shown as a full GDO (ride hardware permitted up to 25m, other structures up to 5m) and the rest of CBeebies sits outside the GDO, so requires planning permission as per the usual planning rules.
This tracks with what we've seen with the development of CBeebies Land, where we have seen planning permission for almost every significant development of the land, except for Octonauts Rollercoaster Adventure. If the changes to the GDO had been agreed, that should have been the other way round. - Octonauts should have been one of the only developments that required specific permission.
*updating this article is on my to-do list