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2013 park map

Not much to add, it's even worse than before. :/

Have no problems with the style and many of the individual features look great, but everything is in the wrong place, it's impossible to follow and that resort area just won't stop growing!
That has to be one of the worst park maps ever. Lots of people are going to be getting lost with this one.

Since when has Thirteen been right next to Air? And the Smiler is right next to the park entrance by the farm?!!

It would be a little better if paths were more defined and areas were separate. Having everything overlapping just confuses your general guest that has no prior knowledge of the park layout. But then that's been a problem for years now.

The 2008 map was the best modern one in my eyes.

Hopefully 2014 there will be a new map on the cards.

On the whole though they've fitted in The Smiler nice enough and it's eye-catching too, which is all you need really. Oblivion is still facing the wrong way though, grr!
Bad news guys, you can't get into X-Sector this year! There is no path!!! Oh wait, that's just because the map is ******* **** ****** ***************************!!!!!! (Yeah, I don't like).

Oblivion has never looked so rubbish on a Towers map, it's rather sad. Everything is just so cramped. I also see it as lazy by not having two maps like in 2006 when Driving School opened late in July. People are going to think that The Smiler is open. Oh and they seem to have forgotten the the building for Burger Kitchen has had a nice re-paint and is no long bland.

On one positive note, despite that fact that it's cramped in and has made other things looks really bad, The Smiler does look good on the map. Though I don't like it showing yellow supports.

Bring on a new map in 2014!

So I guess they're not going down the 'more than one map' route for the season, potentially just being lazy by sticking new for 2013 on it. Not even 'Opens May 2013' It's bad enough when people saw the construction photos on Facebook yesterday, and still asked if it would be open for March. *awaits guests to head over to Guest Services to complain about false advertising*. And the only way you'd guess Enterprise is still there is simply by the name tag.

As per 2011 and 2012, I feel deeply sorry for any first timers who will be visiting Towers this year and will have to rely on that cluttered piece of paper to guide them around.
The placement of X-Sector on that map is abominable. It's more or less at the bottom on there, in reality it's behind the Towers! Absolutely useless.
Just to point one thing out - the map isn't the finished article. As in previous years, the Sun map contains things such as ride logos and doesn't have full labelling. Equally, the real map will probably say 'Opening May' on it - but this is just for the Sun's pullout which already states many times the ride opens in May.

Don't get me wrong, I hate the map but just saying...

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I detest these kind of maps with a passion.

They're so cluttered and unnecessarily full of things that don't really need to be on there. To the general public visitor who may only go once or so a year they must be one of the most confusing pieces of material to follow.

If I was to pick up that map for the first time and use it to navigate myself around the park I would think Dark Forest is a massive area of the park, FV and Dark Forest are only a 5 minute walk from each other and Th13teen is some 300ft beast.

It has to be one of the most unhelpful, ugly maps for any park I've ever seen. I'd have the old Habbo Hotel style maps over this rubbish anyday!

[/rant] :)
This map looks way too cluttered! Considering Towers has a lot of space around the actual park, this map would make you think otherwise. Please let there be a new map for next season!
I have to agree it looks damn dreadful!

However, having just remembered this;


I am still holding out a little bit of hope, we could see an entire new map, or more likely just an improved version! So fingers crossed! Not hoping for anything amazing, but you never know! Please just make Blivy a bit bigger! :p
Don't get your hopes up! The Sun are always just given an early version of the map, it has been the same since 2008. So there will be minor changes between it and the map we get on March 16th. But going by past years the changes will be minimal.

Well I feel special for actually liking the current map style, an ability nobody else on here seems to share. I know the park very well so I just use it to decide where to go next, and for that it's great. It is a brilliant, energetic depiction of the park using some really great colours and brings out each ride's theme. I prefer the 2008-2010 graphics but this is so much better than those horribly sterile maps from 2002-2007.

Personally I don't care whether it is cluttered. That seems to be the whole point - to make the park look exciting and lively wherever you go, rather than to be accurate and dull. Yes, it will confuse any guests who try to navigate with it, but it will excite them when they look at all the rides on offer. The on-park signage is adequate for getting directions anyway.

Of course Oblivion facing the wrong way and looking only a 6 feet tall strikes me as odd, but things like that really don't warrant a huge rant. People say the same thing about the maps each year. I expect it to be changed in 2014 anyway.
I hardly think it's the worst map the park has had (nowhere near as bad as the 'Habbo Hotel'-style ones from years back), but after seeing Thorpe Park's new map I'm quite content with what we have :)
It's a great piece of artwork but I'd love to see someone who hasn't ever been to Alton Towers attempt to use it to find their way around. :p
Well overall it's the same as last year but with The Smiler added in which does actually appear to look good on the map. What looks dreadful though is the rest of X-Sector, Oblivion looks tiny and completely insignificant on that map, instead of portrayed as dominating X-Sector like it does. Enterprise is almost completely obscured from view as well.

This in theory should be the last year for this map style (based on the usual three year cycle) so next year should see a complete new one.

Full park re-brand for 2014? Including new logo? Yes please.

I like the map style enough, it's just getting cramped. Can't work out why 4 resort features (2 hotels, waterpark and golf) need to take up about 35% of the space. I get why they include them it just seems a bit disproportionate and cramps the park up.
I really like the map as a piece of artwork and it makes a good poster or whatever, but as a directional guide (which is what a map should be!) it is pants...

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Just a side note the map in the sun is smaller than the actual park map, although that doesn't change the obscurity but it will be "less" cramped.
It's a map, so it should be adequate in creating a sense of distance and perspective for guests, as well as an awareness of food, drink and amenities options. It fails on every count, and not everyone knows the (massive) park as well as us.
The 'map' will look great on my wall. It a great bit of marketing art work.

I am glad I know my way around the park, cause as a map it is useless.