No, not at all. The whole project was a total farce due to the total lack of planning and forward thinking (thankfully Towers realise this and are far more prepared for SW8). Yes it has been maintanted badly but it is not helped by poor design; many of the materials used are just not durable, the projection mapping room was clearly not thought through as it had endless reliability issues, exposed concrete left right and centre get dirty very easily and some of it is in places that are not exactly easy to clean. Yes the design of the coaster in terms of fitting all of that track into the space was impressive but the fact it is trying to rip itself out of the ground is less so. I noticed yesterday that one of the footers near to the shop has had some sort of work done to it.
I have always said that pretty much every issue that The Smiler has endured can be traced back one way or another to how poor the planning and design process for the ride was.