An application for the trademark
'The Wicker Man' has been filed by Lane IP (the company who are usually Merlin's representative on trademark applications), which could be related to SW8 given that it’s been mentioned in relation to it previously when a contractor posted images of The Flume’s deconstruction.
Although Lane IP Limited, and not Merlin Attractions Operations Limited, are registered as the owner, a similar approach was taken with the 'Ghost Train' and ‘Derail your Mind’ trademarks with ownership transferred to Merlin once the attraction was announced/open to reduce the chances of people finding it prematurely. The potential of this being for Merlin (and possibly SW8) is also increased with the classifications it has (25, 35, 41) matching with previous trademarks that Merlin have filed for their attractions.
If anything, it’s certainly very intriguing and something further to speculate about as the 2017 season approaches…