Shame you didn't see the gardens about thirty years ago, compared to how they used to be, they are now an absolute disgrace.
Renovation work on some of the structures has been good (though Merlin were obliged to do so), but the actual gardens have been neglected very badly, especially under Merlin.
A large mass of ramble, bracken and St John's Wort has choked out literally hundreds of top quality specimen Azaleas, Camelias and alpine plants.
You can barely get to the stepping stones, and the ponds have been in desperate need of a proper dredging and clearing for about twenty years.
No wonder people don't stroll the gardens any more, they used to be stunning.
Gardens don't make money - they cost money, so end of Merlin's interest in the gardens.
The renovation works on the Conservatories / Pagoda Fountain / Prospect Tower have all been done to a high standard, which they had to be due to the listed building status. However, the work was only done as part of Section 106 agreements (where Merlin agree to heritage restoration in return for new planning permission elsewhere - normally for a new ride). Would they have spent the money without a Section 106 agreement being forced on them? I suspect not.