TS Member
Another example of the piece of crap society we live in in 2019 Britain. Someone is asked to stop breaking the rules but just carries on regardless with absolutely no consideration for another human being, then apparently it's the innocent guy who was just doing his job who is the person who is guilty of something (Jobsworth apparently). People just think they can behave however they want nowadays and get upset if anyone has the audacity to call them out for it. Even if the guy did want to try to get a cheeky snap then fair enough if you want to try on the sly, but when you're asked by the employee to cease doing it, then just have a bit of respect for another human and stop. It was just a crappy pixelated phone image of an image on a monitor from distance anyway. I absolutely applaud this guy for trying his best to stop this 'customer' from being a general nobhead. He should be supported wholeheartedly by his employer. People like this should be ejected from the park for disrespecting staff. If I was in charge of this country I would ban cameras on mobile phones as people just can't be trusted to act responsibly with them. Thanks.
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