My thoughts on the 2022 season are mixed. I’ve visited 4 times and at least 2 rides have been closed on every visit for the whole day. Events wise for me-
Festival of Thrills was a non event, didn’t really enjoy it
There’s also something about Mardi Gras I’m not a fan of
Oktoberfest is fab but it chucked it down all day so we couldn’t make use of it
Scarefest was meh because of the line up
Opening hours on my visits have been 4, 5, 7 and 9pm so a mix, with the 4pm still being abysmal.
The positives are the operations (when the rides are open) and the fact the event calendar is packed even if I don’t rate all the events. I know this sounds more negative but that’s probably because it is on second thought

The NST building has never looked worse, the old Enterprise site has been in a dire state, and they should’ve been clearer about its fate sooner. Lengthy downtime of Hex wasn’t ideal but I guess that can’t be helped. Overall, not my favourite season by a long shot, but it’s not my least favourite either. Here’s hoping 2023 brings better ride availability, better opening hours, refreshed attractions and a Scarefest re vamp!