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[2023] The Curse at Alton Manor

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Sorry for the double post but someone I know may have just worked something out in regards to the countdown teaser that was released on Friday.... She counts down from 30 to 26, so what if there's another one this Friday with her counting down from 25-21, then every Friday she counts down another 5. 17th March would be 5-1, the day before park opening! 😱
I think he's onto something...
Sorry for the double post but someone I know may have just worked something out in regards to the countdown teaser that was released on Friday.... She counts down from 30 to 26, so what if there's another one this Friday with her counting down from 25-21, then every Friday she counts down another 5. 17th March would be 5-1, the day before park opening! 😱
I think he's onto something...
That actually makes perfect sense and is very "Alton Towers" teaser-style advertising. If it is the case, the pressure is well and truly on to have it open on the first day of the season! Let's hope staff don't have to ride on the back of the cars like the opening day back in 1992! 🤣
A free Merlin attraction????!

Before this turns into a who's going topic, as Danny correctly pointed out, press outlets and fan sites (including ourselves) will be covering this subject to any sort of restrictions that are placed on us.

As the event is in London, it's almost certainly being setup for mainstream media coverage the day after/later in the week, as well as the public attending the day after. So there is a possibility that only certain things can be posted live pending wider national newspaper/TV coverage, or only photos can be taken and no videos for example. So a heads up that there may be a possibility you won't suddenly see a shedload of updates come tomorrow night. So don't be disappointed if that's the case, just know that those who are covering it will bring you as much as they can whenever it's possible.
Before this turns into a who's going topic, as Danny correctly pointed out, press outlets and fan sites (including ourselves) will be covering this subject to any sort of restrictions that are placed on us.

As the event is in London, it's almost certainly being setup for mainstream media coverage the day after/later in the week, as well as the public attending the day after. So there is a possibility that only certain things can be posted live pending wider national newspaper/TV coverage, or only photos can be taken and no videos for example. So a heads up that there may be a possibility you won't suddenly see a shedload of updates come tomorrow night. So don't be disappointed if that's the case, just know that those who are covering it will bring you as much as they can whenever it's possible.

But what will I do without my 90 minute long TPW* full review that tells me every minute detail about everything and the opinion I should have about the thing?

*Other Vlogs/Websites are available
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