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[2023] The Curse at Alton Manor

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Specificities aside, screenshotting and sharing emails that are presumably intended as private correspondence between individuals lacks class. This is especially true when one of the individuals concerned isn’t under any obligation to respond to enthusiastic members of the public.
Totally agree. It's this sort of action that leads high profile people not to engage with public openly. We're all worse off then
. I guess admin will make a judgement
If many here don't like the screenshot being here, I can delete them if you want, or report the post and all of us can finally calm down and pretend it never happened. If that's what you want, I'll do it.
If many here don't like the screenshot being here, I can delete them if you want, or report the post and all of us can finally calm down and pretend it never happened. If that's what you want, I'll do it.
I don't think it's you that the grievances are being aired towards. You merely relayed what someone else posted, with their permission. You weren't the one who originally shared the emails.

Besides, I don't think removing them would be productive at this point seeing as lots of discussion has spawned from them. I don't know whether anyone else agrees, but that's just my thought.
If many here don't like the screenshot being here, I can delete them if you want, or report the post and all of us can finally calm down and pretend it never happened. If that's what you want, I'll do it.

Re read what he said, what he said was not aimed at you. You are not the person who engaged in conversation with John Wardley.

What goes around comes arounds, bots love fresh meat when it comes to emails, I would be surprised if the lads email address has not been automatically signed up to thousands of fetish, products and general tat mailing lists by now,......as is usually the case when you are silly enough to publicly share your email. My apologies, I seem to have veered off topic a bit.
Don't worry folks, all email addresses on the screenshots are now covered up! I think we're all good now!

Anyway, to turn these events to a more positive direction. The words he chose are really interesting! So a mix of old and new with this new attraction, how exciting!!
Don't worry folks, all email addresses on the screenshots are now covered up! I think we're all good now!

Anyway, to turn these events to a more positive direction. The words he chose are really interesting! So a mix of old and new with this new attraction, how exciting!!

Doubt it, once you let the cat out of the bag so to speak, that is it. The photo has been shared on multiple websites including Facebook groups, not to mention been picked up by bots and what not no doubt. Once the cat is out the bag on the internet, that is it, no amount of editing will ever change that. If it is an issue for him, I hope he learnt a harsh lesson in how to respect the internet and what you put out, specifically stuff you do not want putting out. Once it is out, it is nearly impossible to take back.

Anyway, I am very eger to see what they do with the ride and what they change. The Haunted House always was one of my favorite dark rides, so I am looking forward to this.
I just emailed John Wardley and to my amazement he attached the complete plan of works for the Duel revamp. Including which brand of pollyfilla from Uttoxeter B&Q he bought and how heavy the new paint is.

He also confirms it's true, it was him spotted lapping Duel in the Summer, as he was paid to wave the original plans and sketches in enthusiasts' direction in an avant garde attempt to drum up interest.

Problem is, it took him 3 months to dismantle the trommel face on his own, giving only 3 months to start building the ride. Leaving no option than to cancel the remainder of the project and painstakingly restore the Haunted House.

Can't be true, as John Wardley was last seen being locked in the Nemesis station by Phalanx actors.

As for the email debacle. It's funny how some will do literally ANYTHING for Internet points. Or to indeed try and prove their version of events will come true even if there is no evidence to support or disprove said claim.

The clamour for every tidbit of information these days is somewhat killing interest. It seems a number are incredibly desperate to be the next Sanbrooke or Silkstone because they're popular?
That message reply from JW reminds me of the scene from Bruce Almighty where he just sends the same message automatically.
I bet he gets emails about this and Nemesis all the time.

I always felt the Haunted house is lacking a main entrance archway that leads into the garden of the house. If u look at the Haunted mansion for example
Like you enter the queue on the left side which leads into the Cemetery queue and round. The right 1 leads from the exit of the shop/toilet and they have the middle entrance with a new centre piece so people can take pics or wait for family members but it’s themed to look like a over growth garden with seating and busts.
That message reply from JW reminds me of the scene from Bruce Almighty where he just sends the same message automatically.
I bet he gets emails about this and Nemesis all the time.

I always felt the Haunted house is lacking a main entrance archway that leads into the garden of the house. If u look at the Haunted mansion for example
Like you enter the queue on the left side which leads into the Cemetery queue and round. The right 1 leads from the exit of the shop/toilet and they have the middle entrance with a new centre piece so people can take pics or wait for family members but it’s themed to look like a over growth garden with seating and busts.
When you mean the garden, do you mean the outdoor queue that goes past all the old gravestone? Or do you mean as you enter the Area of the facade from Katanga Kanyon?
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Man bound by professionalism and multiple NDAs gives a vague answer. In other news, water is wet and please leave the man alone.

To be fair if he really had an issue with this sort of thing I doubt he would be appearing in quite a prominent role at the Nemesis closing night etc.

I think he just likes engaging with enthusiasts, I also assume that the email used will have been a professional email rather than a private one, he doesn’t need to reply to it if he doesn’t want to
On a side note, I was thinking; based on typical Merlin announcement patterns, we shouldn’t be waiting too much longer for an announcement of this, should we?

Merlin usually announce new rides in December or January, don’t they?
When you mean the garden, do you mean the outdoor queue that goes past all the old gravestone? Or do you mean as you enter the Area if the facade from Katanga Kanyon?
If u watch movies all haunted houses have a garden in front of the mansion. If they build a new wall with an entrance/exit and remove that unused food kiosk in the middle it will feel like you’re entering a real estate.
Then that walk way from Katanga Kanyon and Forbidden valley can still be used for guests who want to skip the ride.
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