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[2023] The Curse at Alton Manor

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Same here. I'll be incredibly interested with JW talking about the ride when riding it as Duel. The fact it seems the park gave BTPA and JW the entire ride for themselves with behind the scenes snippets as well, it really shows you the dedication of this documentary!
Aye, weirdly fitting considering the ride reopens the same time the documentary will be out. Not sure if that was meant to happen as IIRC the documentary was supposed to be out earlier but covid had a hand in that. Either way timing wise, it's worked out quite well.

So yeah, @Niet Roken you have a great gift for the ride's grand return next year, just hope whatever Towers has cooked up can live up to what you have done so far! ;)
Aye, weirdly fitting considering the ride reopens the same time the documentary will be out. Not sure if that was meant to happen as IIRC the documentary was supposed to be out earlier but covid had a hand in that. Either way timing wise, it's worked out quite well.

So yeah, @Niet Roken you have a great gift for the ride's grand return next year, just hope whatever Towers has cooked up can live up to what you have done so far! ;)
I've just noticed as well that if you listen very carefully where John is present on it as Duel, you can hear the Post 2018 audio!! So, this is presumably new footage which was lacking in the old HH documentary.

Wait, @Niet Roken is British (Or Euro) Theme Park Archive, or am I missing some context here? Apologies if I sound oblivious.
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I've just noticed as well that if you listen very carefully where John is present on it as Duel, you can hear the Post 2018 audio!! You can even see a glimpse of the Purple lighting behind John in the poltergeist room in the first clip! So, this is new footage which was lacking in the old HH documentary.

Wait, @Niet Roken is British (Or Euro) Theme Park Archive, or am I missing some context here? Apologies if I sound oblivious.
He changed it from British to European theme park Archive as his added some videos from Europe.
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I was right!!! He was there, though for a different reason from what I thought of. If this is true, I believe he was at Duel in May of this year. That's when the ride host said the day before, John was in with some old art, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is linked with this, which is pretty much guaranteed now.
I hope so, if the tech invloved in the unused ideas are still in date.
Well, from what I heard, many ideas were scrapped because they just weren't possible for the time since the tech for it was really unreliable or just not possible yet. It'd be great to see some of the Short lived effects such as The Ghost Corridor brought back but with more reliable tech!
What ideas were these ?
Nothing specific. It was a while ago when I found out this, so take it with a pinch of salt, but they were probably ideas when the ride was in early development and probably never left the drawing board. I wouldn't be surprised if John would want to reuse some of these ideas in the upcoming ride, if he's directly involved that is.
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From JW’s one and only post on this forum.
When I designed the ride with Keith Sparks, we designed 5 extra effects that would be added in each successive season to keep the ride fresh, and the surprises coming. After the first season, the ride was considered a success and Tussauds decided there was no point in spending any money for the second season on a new effect. The same was true for the third season, and so on. These effects were never added, and the ride was never changed over the years. So after 20 years it really did look dated.

Intriguingly, the themed construction walls around Duel’s facade have now come down:

It is apparently thought that exterior work will begin in Gloomy Wood when the Christmas event is over.

Uhhh...what's different since the walls went down? At least with Valhalla there were some changes on the outside but I'm trying to see if there is anything different to the outside here.
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