TS Founding Member
Are the spiders the same from Duel or more realistic? That's the only thing I want to know.
I wouldn’t say more realistic but there are some new spiders and the big spider has been restyled and looks really good
Are the spiders the same from Duel or more realistic? That's the only thing I want to know.
AstroDan likes it! That's all I need to know. I am even more excited than before to ride this!I am not going to post some huge, extended summary of my thoughts about this ride. But, it is safe to say that even though I am aware that further tweaks and enhancements are to come in the weeks and months ahead - this is a thorough improvement to Duel and an action-packed ride from start to finish.
What they have done in 6 months is hugely impressive.
I can't wait to see it develop further.
I just thought I'd post my review (over 3 rides) today. Hopefully I don't ramble on too much but I can't promise. Overall I'm very impressed with the ride, it's brought a layer of quality to the ride and area which it didn't have before, if I'm being really picky I have a few negatives but that's just coming from someone who's been on a lot of rides...
To start I think the exterior looks fantastic, the Gloomy Wood plaza, facade, and outlets are brilliant and I love the added details of the hearse and the gates and signs added to the pillars. Downsides: I don't like black cut out in the upstairs window, it just looks naff and the fact that there is not one bin in the queue line was a big pain.
Moving on to probably my favourite part of the attraction, the pre show room! An absolutely brilliant atmosphere in here, I love the dolls house and the story that plays within, I can only hope Im able to watch the whole thing one day as you only get a snippet moving through the queue. You can tell the designers took some major inspiration from Phantom Manor for this re-theme as the portraits / announcements and certain scenery are hugely similar (in a good way).
The first half of the ride is my favourite such as the first scene with the clock and changing portrait, the ballroom and tromwell. Theres also some fabulous Easter Eggs in this area.
After this there is a large blank spot which I've been told the scene is still being worked on which is why it's currently in darkness.
Now my first negative scene. For someone who's terrified of spiders I thought this scene had become naff. Gone are the realistic hanging spiders which have now been replaced by three pound land ones which jump onto a box. The large spider has also now gained disco eyes and no longer growls at you.
The mirror scene we found to have a lot of technical issues today and only worked on one run through but when working we found to be brilliant. I found the garden scene had become a bit naff, I don't think the voodoo dolls really fit into the theme of the ride and they don't really add anything to the story.
And finally I find although the ending scene is full of Easter Eggs and is beautiful to look at, it's just not scary at all apart from the final scare.
Now I've not heard this mentioned in any review so far but the effect in the exit corridor is absolutely brilliant and it's something I've never seen it before. I feel like I don't want to mention it here even though it's in a spoiler tag but if anyone wants to know I'll pop it in a separate post but this surprised us all and made us jump.
Overall a massive improvement on Duel and it can only get better with it's upcoming tweaks.
Post-Ride effectInterested to hear more about the exit corridor! Rode twice today and didn’t experience anything either time
Interested to hear more about the exit corridor! Rode twice today and didn’t experience anything either time
I’m interested?
Also was there any element that makes the riders disappear like stated in the media press release?
They actually achieved so much in such a short space of time, all looks and sounds great from what I’ve seen! It’s not an embarrassment of a ride anymore.
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I just thought I'd post my review (over 3 rides) today. Hopefully I don't ramble on too much but I can't promise. Overall I'm very impressed with the ride, it's brought a layer of quality to the ride and area which it didn't have before, if I'm being really picky I have a few negatives but that's just coming from someone who's been on a lot of rides...
I would say the few problems with the ride (and they are only a few, it's a brilliant accomplishment) can be tweaked. I don't mean this in a bad way but there's still a lot of work to be done technically until I'd say it could be signed off as completed such as timings / lighting / audio etc.Would you say the negatives are things that could be improved if the ride wast weeks or are they fundamental?
That’s so cool! Definitely going to look out for this next time.Post-Ride effect
There is a lighting effect in the exit corridor which makes everyone look as if they're dead / corpse like / ghosts. We didn't notice until our second ride when we turned to each other and we all jumped.Keep an eye out next time, you're in for a surprise...
Yes there's a mirror scene where you appear to disappear in your vehicle and Emily appears instead.