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[2024] Voltron Nevera | Mack Stryker Coaster

Virtual line was turned off for the first 2 weeks after the ride opened, but apart from that it's been running. Virtual line is extremely buggy on the android app though. So all the virtual line slots end up going to iphone users. From what i heard, the park are trying to switch developers, all because the current ones made such a mess of the android app. No idea when that will actually happen though.
That's handy to know and annoying as I have an android lol. Guess I won't be using VL if I go next year then unless something's changed by then 🤦‍♂️
That's handy to know and annoying as I have an android lol. Guess I won't be using VL if I go next year then unless something's changed by then
I use android and booked VL.

It's buggy on all phones as slots vanish.

I operate on the basis that it's unavailable and if there is one- bonus.
Yes, it is possible. Last year i managed to get a few virtual line slots on android, but this year it feels like the bugs are getting worse. I've only managed to get a slot once this year, in 5 visits. At the saisonstart the entire system was down for most of the day, because of bugs.
Finally managed to ride and experience Voltron. Contains spoilers.

The Croatian area looks honestly great. Very decorative and lavish buildings and arguably one of the most photogenic areas.

Now onto Voltron itself, the queue line was pleasant enough to visit, with striking effects and scenery. I especially liked the water tyre effect in there. The indoor section is pretty cool as well, with the Tesla animatronic and the coils playing the tune (very loudly) every so often. The locker system is sufficient.

Sadly my optimism for the ride kind of ends there. I liked the launch sections and the sections at the start and halfway point, where the train goes up and down and/or turns around, but that’s mostly it.

It has some fast and thrilling elements which deliver some powerful forces, however I couldn’t help but find it rough and uncomfortable throughout my experience on the ride.

I was in the wing seat on my two rides, with the second one noticeably better. However unfortunately I just cannot find the love for this attraction right now, which despite looking the part does not deliver in my eyes.

On the plus point, another coaster for the park and the ride was actually open.
So after 16 rides over two days (9xSRQ,4xVL,3xMain Queue), it’s a fantastic ride. I’m not going to do a detailed review as others have done that. I have the following observations which I will keep as spoiler free as possible.

Minimise Queuing
At 9am ignore the hoards/directions, go into the plaza and use the SRQ, you will be on between 5-15 mins based on my experience. It was still like this at lunchtime for me. However late afternoon/evening ignore the SRQ and use the main queue which is much, much faster. I think this is due to the Virtual Line having a lot of single riders. On that, if you miss the 9am Virtual Line release, try at about 1pm for a post 6pm slot. Outside cattlepen is about 25-30mins wait full, inside 5-10mins, post-lockers 5min.

Warming Up/Smoothness/Rattle
By chance 14 rides were either front row or back row, one ride each on both row 2 and 3. The only really rough rattle I had was the left wing seat on Row 3, not sure what train. All other rides were either smooth or the slightest of rattle. I also had completely smooth rides on the wing seats once or twice. The front is consistent all day, the back takes until 11am to warm up.

Generally fantastic, mainly short pauses due to restraint issues resolved in a minute. There were three funny things that happened.
My last ride on day one was one of the last trains after park close and instead of the full pre-show we just got some music and a blind launch(!) - this didn’t repeat on day 2.
That same ride, the smoke effect at the turn around either wasn’t working or not noticable all day, bar that ride where it was turned up to 12 and I was looking out for dementors.
In the morning of 2nd day, I discovered there’s a pre-launch track curtain similar to blue fire. This was working initially however I got stuck on the turn around for a bit followed by a blind launch. Next ride, curtain was there but then I was stuck at the end on the brakes. Next ride, no curtain - appears that caused the downtime.
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Had my first ride on Voltron. Wired 45 mins from entrance. Middle seat, 2nd row. Fantastic ride. Some great air time and pretty relentless. Will no doubt get to try outside seat later, have virtual line booked for 15:30 and no doubt get another go later as park is dead today.

Only down side. Bouncing track at start not working and the turn table seems to put a damper on the relentlessness especially when you’re sat there for a good 40 seconds after it’s turned.

No doubt a grower on me, not sure where I can place it yet in my rankings but no doubt get a few more rides to make my mind up.
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Had my first ride on Voltron. Wired 45 mins from entrance. Middle seat, 2nd row. Fantastic ride. Some great air time and pretty relentless. Will no doubt get to try outside seat later, have virtual line booked for 15:30 and no doubt get another go later as park is dead today.

Only down side. Bouncing track at start not working and the turn table seems to put a damper on the relentlessness especially when you’re sat there for a good 40 seconds after it’s turned.

No doubt a grower on me, not sure where I can place it yet in my rankings but no doubt get a few more rides to make my mind up.
I really wish you had put spoiler at the top of this… 🥲
Yes, I have edited @Vik’s post above to contain spoilers within tags. If we could be slightly mindful that lots of people are yet to ride this, and that it is brand new, by adding spoiler tags or at least a warning at the top of your posts, that would be great for the coming weeks/months.

Thank you!
Voltron is excellent. It is not perfect, but for me it is top 20 or top 10. To be confirmed on further deliberation.

Some of the best rides in the world in my eyes (Skyrush, Eejanaika, Schwur des Karnan) are all quite 'OOFT' and I wouldn't necessarily want to lap them. Voltron is in this camp.

Voltron is a seriously aggressive ride, making some of Intamin's latest creations look like family rides. But with that aggression comes the risk that some folk will find it a little bit too much. The positive and negative G force on Voltron along with some of the launch forces really are sensational from Mack.

Of all my six rides, only 1 would I say left me feeling a little worse for wear.

But I bloody love it.

In fact forget it.

It's top 10. Of my 800. And don't get me started on the queueline theming.
Had 4 rides on it yesterday, 3rd row wing, 2 x 2nd row middle, and to end the day 1st row wing.

What a great coaster, wasn't sure after the first ride but it just seemed to get better and better each time I rode it.

Not sure were I'd rank it yet, hoping for a good few more rides on it today now.

Just great it's finally open, I last visited the park in 2018 (just after the fire) and it seemed at that point a new coaster was imminent. It was definitely worth the wait though.
Voltron is confusing me a little. I had 12 brilliant rides on it, with maybe a couple of these being slightly shakier than the others, but nothing close to rough. However I am still seeing comments from people of square wheels, unbearably rough etc., which I just do not get! The nature of any wing coaster means that outside seats are going to be bouncier/shakier than inside seats, so I'll always give some leeway for that. And Voltron is a very intense coaster, which can give the feeling of it being a bit much.

But how are these awful rides coming about? Is it just one train that is particularly bad perhaps? I know that when Voltron first opened, it was train 5 that people said was bad. Train 5 did not run at all when I was there which could be a reason for why I did not have a bad ride.

If people could try and see what train number it is they're on, that would be grand! 🤣
Voltron is confusing me a little. I had 12 brilliant rides on it, with maybe a couple of these being slightly shakier than the others, but nothing close to rough. However I am still seeing comments from people of square wheels, unbearably rough etc., which I just do not get! The nature of any wing coaster means that outside seats are going to be bouncier/shakier than inside seats, so I'll always give some leeway for that. And Voltron is a very intense coaster, which can give the feeling of it being a bit much.

But how are these awful rides coming about? Is it just one train that is particularly bad perhaps? I know that when Voltron first opened, it was train 5 that people said was bad. Train 5 did not run at all when I was there which could be a reason for why I did not have a bad ride.

If people could try and see what train number it is they're on, that would be grand! 🤣

I haven’t ridden it yet (hopefully will be on Friday) but all reviewers say it’s intense. Sometimes intense plus a small bounce can cause people different levels of discomfort.

If I recall correct me and you rode Dragon Khan together for the first time and you liked it and I came off with a pounding headache. Humans react differently to the same force.
My really rough ride was like being sat on an angry washing machine during full spin cycle all ride. Nothing to do with intensity (though Voltron is intense). Must be the train, unless the set of passengers makes a difference. Otherwise my rides was glass smooth or similar to Lost Gravity, perfectly fine. Train 5 was running during my visit so can't discount that one.

Voltron may be up to 7 car ops now as I think the stalled train was No.6 and that was also operational during my visit.
Voltron may be up to 7 car ops now as I think the stalled train was No.6 and that was also operational during my visit.
Train 6 has been back for a few weeks now, but Voltron has not yet run on 7 trains. I think there might be a programming issue that is preventing this at present.

1,400pph on 6 is completely fine though!
Its so weird that different people find the ride has different levels of roughness.

I managed 8 rides over four days, and only 1 was what I would call rough, but even then it was still a lot smoother than a lot of other coasters I have been on. It was not like the ride was less enjoyable or painful because it felt rougher.

Was it my imagination, or does the restraint release a little after it has locked in place? I noticed this mainly when the host did not push the restraint down to much, and it seems to give you a little more room for that floaty feeling.

There is so much to enjoy about this ride, I wonder who will be the first customer to purchase a version of it.
It has basically the same restraints as Arthur doesn’t it (which is quite amusing), although presumably tested to withstand more forces!

(I have no idea about restraints…)
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It has basically the same restraints as Arthur isn’t it (which is quite amusing), although presumably tested to withstand more forces!

(I have no idea about restraints…)
Yes they're the same restraints as Arthur and also RTH and Time Traveller.
I would imagine they're designed to withstand all the forces a coaster could throw at them, then used for lesser intense things as a standard design for cross compatibility of parts. Very smart way of designing something.
If it’s the same restraint, why is the height restriction different between rides?

Could Mack create an inverting coaster with 1m height limit?