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[202X] Project Horizon (SW9?): Planning Approved

And to think so many people were doubting that the shot of the RMC mug back in that video was a hint..
When does this need to have started construction by for it to be a 2026 opening? I seem to remember it was around this time last year that people were getting concerned that nothing had happened on the site yet.
When does this need to have started construction by for it to be a 2026 opening? I seem to remember it was around this time last year that people were getting concerned that nothing had happened on the site yet.

The stated construction time was 78 weeks. So work would need to start in September 2024 at the latest for a season opening in 2026.

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that the Project Ocean work is due to finish in August 2024 freeing up the teams to move on to the next project…