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[202X] Project Horizon (SW9?): Planning Approved

There is talk over the in the flat rides thread that Horizon may indeed be delayed until 2026 based off a video posted by TPWW.

Not to mention the fact there doesn’t appear to have been any work started on site which would mean they can’t meet a 2025 season opening based on the projected building schedules included in the planning docs.

If this is indeed the case it’s a positive move in my view. Bianca only started in Feb 2023, the same month Horizon was given planning permission, meaning the project was in the works long before the new management team arrived.

If indeed this delay is because the management have recognised (like many on this forum) that a new coaster isn’t perhaps the priority for Towers right now, and that filling the gaps in the flat ride line up, along with improving ride availability (eg Hex) are more pressing, then great. Hopefully 2025 can become the year of the flat ride(s), and Horizon can follow in 2026.
If this is the case, I think that this is positive news.
There is talk over the in the flat rides thread that Horizon may indeed be delayed until 2026 based off a video posted by TPWW.

Not to mention the fact there doesn’t appear to have been any work started on site which would mean they can’t meet a 2025 season opening based on the projected building schedules included in the planning docs.

If this is indeed the case it’s a positive move in my view. Bianca only started in Feb 2023, the same month Horizon was given planning permission, meaning the project was in the works long before the new management team arrived.

If indeed this delay is because the management have recognised (like many on this forum) that a new coaster isn’t perhaps the priority for Towers right now, and that filling the gaps in the flat ride line up, along with improving ride availability (eg Hex) are more pressing, then great. Hopefully 2025 can become the year of the flat ride(s), and Horizon can follow in 2026.
I agree with you. It would be great to focus on implementing a few flat rides first, maybe do some maintenance and tidy up some of their existing coasters before creating a new one.
There is talk over the in the flat rides thread that Horizon may indeed be delayed until 2026 based off a video posted by TPWW.

Not to mention the fact there doesn’t appear to have been any work started on site which would mean they can’t meet a 2025 season opening based on the projected building schedules included in the planning docs.

If this is indeed the case it’s a positive move in my view. Bianca only started in Feb 2023, the same month Horizon was given planning permission, meaning the project was in the works long before the new management team arrived.

If indeed this delay is because the management have recognised (like many on this forum) that a new coaster isn’t perhaps the priority for Towers right now, and that filling the gaps in the flat ride line up, along with improving ride availability (eg Hex) are more pressing, then great. Hopefully 2025 can become the year of the flat ride(s), and Horizon can follow in 2026.

Since when did the park say it was opening in 2025?

everyone assumed due to the early planning application but I genuinely think it was approved far quicker than they where expecting.
It's a relatively small, basic ride in a shed plonked on flat ground requiring little or no surface preparation. Not seen this video, but see no evidence anything has changed (whatever that even was). In the absence of an announcement, nothing would need to be happing by Spring next year for 2025 to be credibly ruled out in my view.
Since when did the park say it was opening in 2025?

everyone assumed due to the early planning application but I genuinely think it was approved far quicker than they where expecting.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I believe the work schedules in the planning application mentioned an 18 month construction period starting in September 2023, which would infer a March 2025 target opening.

If it has been delayed, that would suggest that the park have perhaps reassessed their priorities. It certainly wouldn’t be a bad thing to receive a few flat rides in 2025 and then get Horizon in 2026.

My only concern is; would a delay render the planning permission invalid or make them need to reapply? How long is the permission actually granted for?
I'm with @Dave here. For 2025 opening we would have surely seen some basic teasers ar Scarefest etc like we did with Thirteen, Wickerman and the likes.

I’m certainly not closed to the idea that the attraction was always 2026, but the lack of teaser isn’t really evidence of this.

If it was 2025 they still wouldn’t likely push anything at the park until next year anyway, the marketing focus will always be on the next big news I.e Nemesis.

I know they plastered SW8 posters up early, but that was a site in the middle of the park that housed a previous attraction that was closed earlier than it technically needed to be post Smiler. They needed to give off the impression something was happening over those fences as soon as the Flume closed. Horizon is not even in a publicity accessible part of the park, so no need for anything to be mentioned until the time is right.
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Objectively i understand the reasons people feel this is positive news but personally i'll be disappointed if it's pushed to 2026 as was looking forward to riding it before i become too decrepit.

Although i'm basing that on it being a multi dimensional launch coaster which might not be the case.
Maybe Merlin realised that they'd spent a bit too much on Towers lately with bringing back Sub-Terra, the Haunted House refurb and then a fortune on Nemesis Returns. Could just be pushing Horizon back indefinitely and get nothing of any note for 2025. Costs of materials, labour etc probably went up massively for other current projects across the Merlin portfolio too which were already starting construction. Poor old Towers might just have to make do and mend. As a special treat, they may fix Skyride or Hex.
So we’re good as long as they’ve started work by February 2026? That’s not too bad.
Yes, you have to start work within 3 years of permission being granted. But you could just pour one foundation and that would class the work as being started, and leave it at that until you want to do more!

I'm not really fussed whether this is 2025 or 2026. I actually think 2026 makes more sense; we have Nemesis in 2024 and I think the new park management understand that some new flat rides are a real priority.
If this delay is to add a new flat or two and tidy up the park generally then great, that’s for one a sensible decision which aligns with what the park actually needs rather than what Merlin feel will make for the largest footfall.

I suppose the counter would be what's to stop them doing both? If they're planning on spending the money either way that doesn't sound like a factor (unless there's a major tax incentive or something from spreading the costs) and the sooner you have a major new attraction the better surely, especially an indoor one that can boost your 365 opening plans.

Bring in 1 or 2 flats to accompany Nemesis next year and 1 or 2 for Horizon, everybody wins!