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[20XX] Euro Mir 2.0

There’s a reason Mir routinely has the shortest queue of the major coasters by mid afternoon. It’s too intense for a lot of people and not very rerideable.

Many were up in arms when first learning of Eurosat’s taming, but it’s now more popular than ever. I’m reasonably confident the end product will be an improvement.
Am I gonna have to spend money I don't have right now to go ride "mah bebbey" one more time?
Mir being intense is what makes it good. With Mir/Wodan and I presume Voltron being intense, Blue Fire/Silver Star/Sat being a step down works well. It's one of the 2 genuinely brilliant coasters at EP ( alongside Wodan, haven't done Voltron) and it'd be very sad to see it get tamed or bulldozed.
Just imagine this drop coming out of Mir's spiral lift hill tower:


Then having a ride that weaves around the other towers, including some of the best elements from the othe extreme spinners.

This is why I don't want to see Mir getting a like for like replacement. Keep what works, but everything else can be reinvented.
I agree with John, on the whole Mir is not rough but it is incredibly intense.

I probably sit somewhere in the middle on Mir. I prefer Wodan, Silver Star and Blue Fire over it at EP, but I do have a soft spot for it and it's certainly iconic. Riding facing backwards on the back car isn't always pleasant, but it is always a laugh and I love watching the reactions of other riders who don't quite know what they've let themselves in for.

Clearly it is reaching the end of its life, so work is needed. Thematic updates are a must; although I do not mind the queue (it is less tedious than Wodan's indoor queue) it is now quite out of place at Europa-Park. As I've said before though, the towers must be retained.
*We already have an Alpha Mod, and his name is Craig.

I’m slightly concerned yours and Craig’s relationship is maybe something more than we all assumed….

On topic Mir is intense and I love intense coasters but it’s also badly profiled, has very little in terms of interesting elements. It’s just a wobble drop and multiple intense turns and helix’s.

Happy to see it go though would like them to keep the music…. Got to show various elements the respect…
Although Euro Mir isn't one of my most anticipated coasters at Europa, it would still be a shame if it was under refurbishment at the time of my potential first ever visit next year.
There’s a reason Mir routinely has the shortest queue of the major coasters by mid afternoon. It’s too intense for a lot of people and not very rerideable.

Many were up in arms when first learning of Eurosat’s taming, but it’s now more popular than ever. I’m reasonably confident the end product will be an improvement.
The annoying thing with eurosat was that they kept the layout basically identical, but less intense. Of course with the supports inside the ball there wasn't much else they could do.

I really hope Euro Mir 2 will get a truly new layout and not just the euro sat treatment. It would be such a big missed opportunity for mack not to show off everything they can do on a spinning layout, whether it be family or extreme, and instead stick with an outdated layout from the era before mack were able to bend smooth track.

The rumours i've heard so far all say it will get the "euro sat treatment". If that means what i think it means, keeping the outdated layout but getting rid of the theme and the iconic music, that would probably end up being a downgrade for the park.