Tom said:
That's the risk you take by having sex. I agree the option should be there, but while I'm not going to literally state case by cas eof when I think it should be allowed, there are too many people using it after lustful and drunken fumbles.
Lustful, drunken fumbles on only the womans part?

By default that's what's being implied, as the only one who can actually have the abortion is the woman.
That doesn't necessarily make the decision any easier. Pointing fingers and going 'her fault!'? Really? It's just as much a woman having to deal with the aftermath of an irresponsible guy and the enormity of that.
If she picks to have the baby and puts the fathers name on the birth certificate, that now immediately places legal parental responsibility on the man. Together or not, married or not and whether he likes it or not. So just as much 'his fault' and 'his responsibility' and equally so to prevent if he doesn't want that.
Incidentally I suspect that 'view' of why most people are having abortions has no actual basis in any actual fact. I don't think the question of 'so was it just a drunken fumble?' is ever used as judgement critria when authorising an abortion, so there can't be any statistics.
Even if that was the circumstances leading to conception, I doubt for many that's the reason they choose to terminate. That will be down to personal circumstance, work, finances, age, readiness etc.