BigT - A heartbeat is moving tissue. No more, no less.
Like a plant can't feel or is aware of itself beyond a very primitive manner, a fetus is not a person. It's a pre-person. It is yet to be a person.
When you can prove that an early fetus is cognitively more alive than a sunflower which exists but doesn't have consciousness, I'll start considering it closer to a person.
IanB - The point still stands. Is it murder to kill a living cell of human tissue? No.
Like a plant can't feel or is aware of itself beyond a very primitive manner, a fetus is not a person. It's a pre-person. It is yet to be a person.
When you can prove that an early fetus is cognitively more alive than a sunflower which exists but doesn't have consciousness, I'll start considering it closer to a person.
IanB - The point still stands. Is it murder to kill a living cell of human tissue? No.