Genuine question. I know we talk about the finances of Hot Ice quite flippantly, but I wonder what the budget of that show is vs. something like Peter Rabbit or Webmaster back in the day at Alton - those were free to enter shows and did multiple performances on some days. Hot Ice is produced by SWWP who do a myriad of other things - i.e. they have people on the payroll for other things, but I am sure Hot Ice is a core part of what they do.
With Hot Ice, you get a free matinee ticket with your E-Ticket so up to that point - it's the same thing as any other show in an amusement park - a cost centre that you absorb as part of admission.
The evening performances will attract a cost of some kind - but one imagines not a vastly inflated cost because everything has already been built, people have been employed - you're just sweating the resource more. Furthermore, they also attract some revenue, large or small.
It is curious. I've booked. In for a penny, in for £14 each.