I’m not sure if we’ve mentioned this video on here yet but this is absolutely cringey from Pleasure Beach.
Basically last week Pleasure Beach bought an Ed Sheerhan lookalike to the park and are making out like it might actually have been him in some of their social media stuff. That’s strikes me as a bit of a sad thing to do. I’d get it if say the park where having a tribute show or something and did this to promote it but it seems that they did this stunt just for the purpose of making some people think someone famous visited the park.
It’s a bit of a worrying trend that Pleasure Beach are taking this approach, along with the stunt of getting themselves in the news by asking for applications for a fake “Roller coaster tester” job that didn’t exist. Maybe some people might argue that a bit of trickery or bending the truth is in the long tradition of these kind of seaside amusement parks but I think I’d prefer it if Pleasure Beach actually focused their efforts on looking to see what they could do to improve their park in some respects.