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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2023 Discussion

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I wonder if it would be at all improved if one of the seats had a weight attached to increase the rotations?

That way, duos can sit similarly to sizzler rides (ala “larger guest here”) on the weighted seat, to increase the weight disparity, and single riders can just sit in the weighted seat too.

Of course, I don’t think they’d actually tweak it like that though. Just a concept.
Dont give them ideas. They'll start charging an extra £10 to ride it with a fatty.

On thar note - has it been established what's happened with the larger seats on the back row?

Fatso would work better than Enso in that case.
Honest and very well done review of Enso from Lift Hills and Thrills:

He also shows exactly how to book it on the app and where the designated entrance is.
(Note: He was by himself for all his rides on it)
I'd be devastated if Steeplechase went.
Over the moon that it looks better as a single rider. Looks like I'll be saving myself a fortune riding it whilst the wife and kids hold my bag and watch from afar.

There's no way they are not going to (at least try to) sell the seat next to you I'd think.
Even not paired up it looks very tame. I think it comes down to the fact it wasn't built to spin. Other spinners, be it something like Dwervelwind or something like Winjas, were built to get the car going to various degrees of success. Icon was not. I still stand by the fact Euro Mir style controlled spinning would have been a lot better
Initial try at a hard cash enso bribe refused...Shiny new two pound coin.
Will up it again next time to £2:50, but I'm only going up to a four pound limit.
Had a double wait for the normal back seat despite walking to an empty gate...ride staff absolutely loved making me wait.
New staff in Crevettes, but he is a big ugly munter...not up to the usual standard of prettiness.
Lovely couple of hours, new company, fresh beer, even the odd rollercoaster.
National meant to be much smoother on the new bits, still rough as hell on the old!
They were cleaning the new glass as I left, said it will be open in the morning.
Any word on height restriction for spinning seats? Back row was previously 1.5m but not sure if that's still the case? Website unclear, naturally.

Sad to hear of a decline in Crevettes loveliness.
Any word on height restriction for spinning seats? Back row was previously 1.5m but not sure if that's still the case? Website unclear, naturally.

Sad to hear of a decline in Crevettes loveliness.
Back row was 1.5 due to the bigger seats, I'd assume that the spinning seats are the regular size seats though.
Sadly, the new munter in Crevettes is an ex senior ride op, lovely chap really, with a face like a half chewed Toffo.
Showing my age again.
And as I know two of the rebuilders of the National track, I will let a few thousand have a go before I get on!
The smoother bits are the new bits.
The old bits are still rough as hell allegedly.
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Hope Mandy has given all the staff a nice buttonhole.
Often used to on National day in the past.
Donkeys day off yesterday.
Popped on park for an hour this afternoon.

Grand National is running great. Did two laps, one in the front and one in the back. Front was always fairly manageable, back was wild but not uncomfortable - the work they have done really shows. It's hard to think back to 2004 when those trains were introduced but would guess the experience is broadly similar. The old trains with their up/middle/down restraints were more comfortable, so the standard of the track was less important.

Was in two minds on Enso but felt remiss of me not to try it. It's fun, no doubt about it. I rode a standard seat beforehand so I could truly compare and the spinning is better, no doubt in my mind.

Worth £15 ? I'd say so. Completely subjective, of course. If you didn't know better you'd perhaps conclude that it was always designed to spin, it certainly makes the meandering elements much more interesting.

It wasn't busy today, the main queue was 5 minutes, I'd say there was an Enso rider/riders every eighth train or so. The same kid rode it at least three times.

The height restriction is not well advertised, but I was told it was 130cm.

New Big One track is a triumph too. If anything, like the other sections they have replaced, it just highlights how brutal some of the older sections are. The new track makes it ride like Desperado.
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