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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2023 Discussion

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I don't think the XTREME Spinning Coasters spin a huge amount, though, from what I can tell. I'm not sure it would be safe for Icon to have the same level of spinning as something like a Maurer spinning coaster, or at least it might not be very enjoyable, what with all the nausea it would cause.

On the subject of XTREME Spinning Coasters; am I misremembering, or were there rumblings that Blackpool had originally planned one as a follow-up to Icon, but it got cancelled after Icon's supposed lack of success? I seem to remember hearing rumblings of Ride to Happiness at Plopsaland having been originally designed for Blackpool, and I seem to remember that theory being justified by the fact that RTH fit suspiciously well within the Wild Mouse/Trauma Towers/Bowl-A-Drome area, but I could be totally wrong there. I definitely seem to remember it being suggested that RTH was originally designed for Blackpool before the space thing came up, though, and how well RTH fit into the area was merely used as further justification by those backing the rumour.
With a single rider it appears to spin pretty significantly, I'm not sure it's down to safety ... It's physics.

It makes sense, the Maurer rides are certainly impacted by the weight distribution, but the Gerstlauers even more so, if you get two well built adults on one side and empty seats on the other, it's like a completely different ride vs. four evenly matched riders.
I don't think the XTREME Spinning Coasters spin a huge amount, though, from what I can tell. I'm not sure it would be safe for Icon to have the same level of spinning as something like a Maurer spinning coaster, or at least it might not be very enjoyable, what with all the nausea it would cause.

On the subject of XTREME Spinning Coasters; am I misremembering, or were there rumblings that Blackpool had originally planned one as a follow-up to Icon, but it got cancelled after Icon's supposed lack of success? I seem to remember hearing rumblings of Ride to Happiness at Plopsaland having been originally designed for Blackpool, and I seem to remember that theory being justified by the fact that RTH fit suspiciously well within the Wild Mouse/Trauma Towers/Bowl-A-Drome area, but I could be totally wrong there. I definitely seem to remember it being suggested that RTH was originally designed for Blackpool before the space thing came up, though, and how well RTH fit into the area was merely used as further justification by those backing the rumour.

I have heard the same about RTH more than a few times before, but like you say as Icon was a complete failure commercially, supposedly it was canned

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I don't think the XTREME Spinning Coasters spin a huge amount, though, from what I can tell.

They spin. I have been on Time Traveler and it spins vastly more than Enso; if you watch a POV of Ride to Happiness you will see it spins too.

I didn't say it should spin like a Maurer or Reverchon when off-balanced, but Enso basically just sways here and there...!
People will need to make sure they ride with someone a lot lighter / heavier to get their money's worth. Hahaha
On a side note; having watched the POVs of Enso, it reaffirms my previous view that controversially, I don't personally think Icon is a sluggish ride like most seem to. In those POVs, I think Icon looks fairly fast and action-packed right up to the end; perhaps not insanely fast, but fast enough for sure. From memory, I don't really remember Icon having any dull moments; even those s-bends at the end had a fair bit of fun factor for me!

I'm aware I'm in a minority there, though...
I’m not buying the RTH in Blackpool. You wouldn’t plan and design a coaster layout to fit into a congested area before even opening Icon, in the off chance that Icon is a massive success to such an extent that people would want a second very similar ride installed soon after.
Yeah the idea of RTH going to Blackpool seems like 1+1=3 to me.
The park building a second multi launch coaster immediately after a first one. Could certainly see a world were they'd had discussions with Mack regarding other coaster concepts for that region of the park though.

Maybe ask Vekoma about that 4th tilt coaster their building.
On a side note; having watched the POVs of Enso, it reaffirms my previous view that controversially, I don't personally think Icon is a sluggish ride like most seem to. In those POVs, I think Icon looks fairly fast and action-packed right up to the end; perhaps not insanely fast, but fast enough for sure. From memory, I don't really remember Icon having any dull moments; even those s-bends at the end had a fair bit of fun factor for me!

I'm aware I'm in a minority there, though...
I believe Time traveler has got a magnetic spin built into the launch, i don't know if this technology was put on ENSO when upgraded.
I must stress I don't want all woodies torn down. Just ones that make you feel like you're going around the track in a shopping trolley with a wheel missing.

Big Dipper is still okay for me roughness wise for example. I find it fine. However I can't even bare to ride Nashy anymore which is a real shame as it's a great layout. It's just too rough on the thighs.
Agreed that Nash is a great layout but could be unbearably rough, especially on a wheel seat. I'm really hoping the recent retrack has helped with that.
I do think it could really benefit from new trains, trains with 2 rows, or even 1 between wheels. I know that sound counter-productive as it does mean more wheel seats, but it would give the trains better maneuverability and would run more smoothly along the track. Same goes for The Big One, although there's no great need to do anything with the trains on that just yet.
So I finally saw a video of Enso with 2 people riding. Wow, I'm not sure it even managed one full rotation. Just some rocking from side to side.

Something I am quite happy to never experience!

To be fair, it is advertised as "Icon with a twist" and not "Icon with a spin"

Seems to be having favourable reviews, but I have no intention of forking out £15 to try it.

I am off to Norfolk at Easter so hoping to pay another visit to Great Yarmouth pleasure beach which is £15 (for 3 hours unlimited rides). The same price as a single ride on Enso.
My comment on this is this it doesn’t seem at all worth the price - and it’s funny how the best reviews have come from those who didn’t pay to experience it - as per usual.
Shaun Sanbrooke did say that he wouldn't pay for it on every visit.
Maybe we have to view Enso a different way. We were all expecting it to be a spinning seat, like we’d find on a spinning coaster, and it just doesn’t seem to be that, it’s not going to give us the kind of the rotation that we thought we’d be getting. But maybe the way to view instead isn’t as “Icon with a spinning seat” but instead as a randomiser, something that mixes up your Icon ride from time to time in a way that you can’t predict. Will you go through the Junior Immelmann this time backwards or sideways? What way will you be facing during the over banked turns, etc? I mean sure it’s still very overpriced at £15 but maybe that’s one way of viewing it and what it’s trying to do because as a spinning coaster it’s just not great.
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Dont give them ideas. They'll start charging an extra £10 to ride it with a fatty.

On thar note - has it been established what's happened with the larger seats on the back row?
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