Yesterday as in Saturday ?Visited yesterday. Big One had a queue down the ramp on one train. Most of the the rides you got on within a couple of cycles.
Saw only six people riding Enso, all from the same family, riding in twos and not spinning much.
I wouldn't say "free", because everyone would want to ride it and swamp its dire throughput, but I would expect the price to be substantially reduced.If Enso’s uptake is low, might it become free?
Big One running one train on Saturdays is what's put me off going up for a weekend in May. Why force people to wait in a slow/tedious half hour queue when you could provide better service and have happy customers re-riding it?
It's frustrating, the park is quiet, yet it's actually worse to queue for The Big One than when the park is busier.
Yeah that's a great point. If you charge a premium price you have to deliver a premium product, and one train with a queue down the ramp is not a premium product.It’s not a great look to charge people a premium price and then deliver a poor experience like this. Seemingly though they’re not really bothered - single train operations persist across many of the rides and yet it’s still around £45 to get in.
Not just Enso...the whole park has been dead this year.