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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Two rollercoasters (Big Dipper and Grand National) at the park have been given "ACE landmark status" (whatever that is).


According to Amanda Thompson, CEO of Pleasure Beach Resort, “These rides hold a special place in the hearts of our guests, and we’re proud that the importance of their heritage has been recognized. The blend of our modern, industry-leading rides like ICON and Valhalla, with these older, one-of-a-kind rides is an integral part of Pleasure Beach Resort’s identity and something that we believe truly sets us apart.”
There’s a couple of ironies here.

Firstly, Cyclone at Pleasureland Southport had an ACR marker before Pleasure Beach demolished it.

Secondly, the park used to have their own historical marker boards to identify and describe their heritage rides, including the two in question. They were all removed by the park themselves quite some years ago.
Also interesting that those plaques refer to the park as "Beach Resort" on the first line.
Could this be a spoiler for BPB's next attempt at a re-brand? 😂 /s
Worlds first £15 upcharge? 🤭

Couple of updates spotted today - there's now a ticket sales booth in one of the old food units at the front of the casino building

Ghost train appears to have gained a guide rail on the corner after the drop

Not very busy for a late night riding day, even with big one closed (wind)
Big One closed on a late-night riding day is a crying shame.

I'm only really interested in going for late-night riding these days, those coasters were made to be ridden after dark. Sadly these dates are few and far between and there are none I can make this year. Should be every weekend in the summer and throughout illuminations really.
Two rollercoasters (Big Dipper and Grand National) at the park have been given "ACE landmark status" (whatever that is).
ACE: american coaster enthusiast, the landmark status is for denoting important historical rides that did something historical or ground breakingnot too sure what would be similar in the uk, but usually they are quite old rides, to my knowledge there are very few steel rides: https://www.aceonline.org/page/Landmark
Blackpool Pleasure Beach have been confirmed as the away/third sponsor for Blackpool FC.
The two companies have agreed a scheme for Blackpool FC season ticket holders to get discounts at the Pleasure Beach.
I guess it's nice to see the park actually doing some marketing for once although it remains to be seen how much of an effect it has given that Blackpool are in a nation-wide league involving trips to Exeter and Crawley but hopefully they get what they want off it. I would also love to know how much Pleasure Beach paid for it but I guess we'll never know.
'Mary Louise' loco pulling PB Express today, think it's the first outing this season. It needed a little gentle encouragement from the engineers earlier

They seemed to be having difficulty with 'Carol Jean' yesterday, needed an evac at one point
Well then, today I was with two of my friends to Pleasure Beach today in which was heaving with school trips, and many Scots on holiday meaning that I didn't feel so far away from home and the place was packed out in which it really did feel like the place in the late 90s which is nice to have an atmosphere on the park and this saw Big One have a 120 minute wait time apparently and did go down for a bit due to a break fault. Icon did go down at one point yet couldn't understand why.

Speaking of which, thanks to rain on the day, I'm happy to say that I've had my best ride on Big One in a long time in which that back row made the ride have a fast run which was great and even the new track did help make it a little smoother.

However, the main highlight was finally getting back on Valhalla after many years awaiting to ride it once more. Got to say it is quite a different beast from before and I can't comment if all the effects were working as I'm not fully up to scratch on what is and isn't but it seemed everything was working well though my boat was filled by these rather loud Scotland fans who began singing and clapping the super John McGinn chant while going up the first hill and nearly got kicked off for using their phone trying to take a selfie on the second hill.

So yeah, a fairly good day for the most part though weather was honestly a mixed bag which did make things a little bit of a damp squid but there we are in which I did had to suffer Infusion in which my non enthusiast friend wanted to ride it and oddly seemed to come off without any head banging...very suspect if you ask me.

Sad to see Ice Blast and a number of rides are closed and if rumours of Ice Blast are to be believed, I'll keep an eye on what might be following...
It's Blackpool. I'll give you one guess.

This doesn't mean anything nowadays. Yes, it could be torn down and replaced with a grass lawn with deck chairs for drinking, but given Mandy's obsession with outnumbering guests with beds on the resort, it could also become sea-view apartments. I'll leave the aged fountain joke out of the suggestions, however.
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