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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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...Free entry is needed to get it on its way ...
Did you go under free entry?
Packed solid on peak weekends so you can't actually walk between the rides, pickpockets, sex trade workers offering their services with families all around them, footy thugs, teenage fights kicking off everywhere, and much much more comes with free entry.

Seen it, been there many times, free entry is not the answer...ever!
Cheap gated entry with a good value offer attached, a few rides or beverages etc. is the answer, as things were before Covid.
Covid was the excuse for pop only, the park is dead, so what is the excuse now???
Mandy, nothing more.
Cheap gated entry with a good value offer attached, a few rides or beverages etc. is the answer.

Yes, totally agree and I think they should go for a system similar to Great Yarmouth.

They have a "Fun card" which you can add ride credits to . Minimum purchase is £5 which gets you into the park with 5 ride credits, which happens to be the amount of credits needed to ride their signature coaster.

If Blackpool did something similar they could maybe have a minimum purchase of £10 for 10 ride credits and make Icon and Big One 10 credits to ride, with smaller family rides starting at 3 credits.

The scanners are already in place so it shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

Almost zero chance it will happen though.

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What current ticket system, they haven't got one!
Barriers would make sense with tickets about, with pop it is simply crazy.
What current ticket system, they haven't got one!
Barriers would make sense with tickets about, with pop it is simply crazy.
He's talking about the unnecessary ride queue turnstile system. With everyone having to buy a ticket to get in and there being no non-rider option, they are obsolete. It is a pain having to get your phone or paper ticket out every time I go on a ride.
Yes, totally agree and I think they should go for a system similar to Great Yarmouth.

They have a "Fun card" which you can add ride credits to . Minimum purchase is £5 which gets you into the park with 5 ride credits, which happens to be the amount of credits needed to ride their signature coaster.

If Blackpool did something similar they could maybe have a minimum purchase of £10 for 10 ride credits and make Icon and Big One 10 credits to ride, with smaller family rides starting at 3 credits.

The scanners are already in place so it shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

Almost zero chance it will happen though.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
You can’t compare Blackpool to Great Yarmouth the operating costs of Blackpool are far greater due to the number and type of rides. Pay per ride and non rider passes don’t work at Blackpool. Look at 2018 and 2019 sales lower than 2022 and lost 2 million each year. Even other parks such as fantasy island which are a lot smaller are struggling with pay per ride. Great Yarmouth is probably the only park making the pay per ride option work. ( based on figures from parks ) I wish the system could return and be feasible but with costs from wages and utilities alone it’s simple not an option anymore. Even the late 90s pay per ride didn’t work with the park losing up to 3million a year. The non rider pass helped initially to offset this loss but as costs increased a change had to be made. Covid or no Covid it could have happened by now. 2022 sales were higher even though the park was no where near as busy as 2019 and loses were a quarter even with increased cost. It’s simple a business decision anyone in charge would make. If you are losing millions even though rammed it’s cleat something had to change. It has a to work and move forward with the current model improving reasons to visit maybe with some additional offers/ incentive to get people in on the day such as family tickets, 3 hours ride tickets or maybe a 2 day ticket option making it better value. Eg add a second day for say £15. There are various things they can explore but non rider / pay per ride is dead and burried based on past performance. I would like them to bring back the big pass they did for summer last year which included golf/ Ripleys/ skating. The summer pass for £99 seems good value for anyone wanting to visit more than 3 time in July /August though. One thing I agree on is the scanners need to go. Surely they have enough data now based on various numbers in park that are redundant. Hopefully the new ride should give them a boast and hopefully lead to investment sooner than it’s been since icon. Either way going to be a very interesting couple of years coming up for them
Pleasure Beach Resort has been shortlisted for pantomime of the year.

Not sure if it's the actual pantomime that's been shortlisted or the whole park 🤣

From: https://x.com/TheArtsShelf/status/1791131784488370179

I can just imagine a Pleasure Beach pantomime with some good audience interaction.

Mandy to the audience - “I’m looking for the best days of the park, has anyone seen them?”

Audience - “They’re behind you Mandy!”
All these inventive models etc are great but the answer is simple - make the park a place worth paying £35/£40 to get in, it’s as simple as that in my opinion.
Saturday visit was great! Arrived just after 10:30, longest queue was about 20 minutes and got on everything we wanted to within the 5 hours!

Must say, the QR code scanning is very tedious and delays the queue quite a lot, however when they are so short anyway it doesn’t take away from the day, just annoying to have to keep getting your phone out then put it away again etc.

First time on Icon and it’s a great ride, best on the park by a mile, on par with Nemesis for the UK best for me (not ridden Hyperia). Such a smooth ride, lots of airtime, hangtime and a nice long layout (very late to the hype I’m aware😎)

Valhalla was fantastic! I rode it many years ago and it was everything I remembered it being and more, just wish it still had the backwards drop. I did however forget just how soaked you do actually get!

Overall our impressions were that the park was fairly clean, well presented and the queues were great for a 20+ degree sunny day in June! Some nice food and drink options too, we chose Coasters? Next to icon and had a lovely wrap, salad and wedges.

I won’t be rushing back until a new thrilling investment is added but so glad I have visited again for the first time in 10 years!

I see lots of people complaining about how many rides have been removed but not replaced in the last 20 years. But if it was your park would you really want to increase operating costs even more. When doing a ride count please beach is still on par if not in front when in comes to the total number of rides compared to any Merlin park. Thorpe park for example only have 24 rides, which is about a third less than pleasure beach and yet no one complains, they just happily queue for hours and accept it. But cost wise it would make pleasure beach costs a third more to operate so technically should be charging more than they do. I know there is the quality argument but in terms of costs vs ticket prices and business it’s something everyone should remember. They are far from perfect in many ways but I think they get an unfair deal from a lot of people who in the same position would make exactly the same decisions. At the end of the day if anyone wants to make more money, they will do anything and everything possible to achieve that goal and when money is concerned no one saves face for the sake of it. It’s an independent park in a big world of large corporations and I think it deserves more support. Whilst no one would be in this chat if they didn’t care about the park and I personally love reading everyone’s thoughts it is worth us all remembering that they really do probably do their best with not much return. As Geoffrey Thompson once said you’ve got to be mad to build rides and at the millions of pounds they cost he’s not wrong. But let’s all be thankfull they still want to make it work and hopefully in a year or two Amanda will be shouting to John ‘That is a new machine’
If anyone wants to make money, they should listen to the advice of the paid consultants they have pulled in at great cost, and act upon it.
If anyone wants to make money, they should perhaps stop running a vanity show to the parks owner, that has lost money for at least two decades, probably double that.
But lets all be thankful.
Not sute what for though, the park is absolutely on its knees, because the owner is not competent to run the place.
If you watch interviews with the owners at Paultons they plan new rides and projects up to five years in advance. Pleasurebeech wait for a ride to be completely knackered before it's removed and then decide what's replacing it. PB will have known Grand Prix was on its way out and they should have a new ride to replace it lined up.

Avalanche and Revolution can't have long left either but I can guarantee there is no long term plan for replacements, they will be run until they can't run anymore.

Ice blast is another example of poor planning, they should have had a new flat replacing it this year. It's been on its last legs for a few seasons. Everything is reactive more than proactive which is why the park is in its current state.
Avalanche and Rev don't have to be on their way out....if PB do proper heavy maintenance on them. But they won't as they don't plan like that. Trace du Hourra for example ahs seen some retracking so Mack bobs aren't impossible to look after.
Avalanche and Rev don't have to be on their way out....if PB do proper heavy maintenance on them. But they won't as they don't plan like that. Trace du Hourra for example ahs seen some retracking so Mack bobs aren't impossible to look after.
The sea air has done a number on Revolutions steel frame. The coaster is over 40 years old it cannot last forever. Avalanche may last a bit longer but it's really rough.
Ok, so I visited the park today for the first time since October 2015. Here's my thoughts if I may share.

First of all, you couldn't choose a better day to go weather wise. It was about 24°c today and I've come home sunburnt, but absolutely perfect weather for the pleasure beach with just a slight breeze.

Secondly, with a number of school trips on the park was filled with excitement, screams and energy which was actually really nice to see lots of happy faces and it created a good atmosphere.

As for ride ops, the parks ride hours were 11-5 today, with pretty much only Nick Streak and Grand National running from 11am. Jumped on Grand National to start, avoiding the wheel seats in the middle row of the back carriage and it was fine and an enjoyable ride, not too rough for me. Queue was short all day weirdly, that end of the park was dead all day.

Heading to Big Dipper, I was about to board and they closed it after maybe two trains went round which was a little disappointing.

I then decided to ride Icon for the first time, and oh wow did I get a tonne of ejector air time! The top hat really surprised me and I absolutely love those trains, you feel so free on them and genuinely I think they're the most comfortable ride trains going. Can't wait to experience Hyperia with those! Again, back carriage, the theme throughout the day by choice. Enso looked fun and I seen it full maybe 5 times throughout the 2 times I rode Icon today, but I wouldn't pay £15. £5 and I would for sure. Queue went fairly quickly, about 30-40 mins both times from the entrance.

Oddly I then chose to ride Steeplechase as I thought it would be a quick ride boxed off, turned into 35 minutes when there was barely anyone there with 2/3 lanes running. Those seats really dug into my hips/ass on the turns, don't think I'd ever ride it again to be honest way too painful.

Opted to try my luck at Big Dipper again and got on, but only running on one train led to a slow queue taking 30+ mins from just the sloped section.

Went from Big Dipper to a supposed 20 minute queue for Infusion half way down the queue line. Turned into nearly an hour, but felt for the dispatchers as kids were causing chaos getting on then wanting to get off, not standing in the gates properly and multiple times kids being on the wrong side of the gates as the ride was about to go. The restraints are awful, and luckily second to last row it wasn't headbanging just shoulder banging that got me. Painful afterwards and I wouldn't bother again with Infusion now.

It was very hot as mentioned, and I think since I've been going to the park as a child from the late 90s and since Valhalla opened turn of the millenium, I've only ever done Valhalla maybe twice. Oh my god did I get absolutely drenched. No poncho, none of that, just shorts and a t-shirt soaked to the bone. I thought it was actually quite good because I couldn't even remember the last time I rode it. Would never do it on a day that isn't scorching though, happy to never do it again to be fair as it was too wet if anything which is somewhat pedantic given it's a water ride and does warn you. Perfect for a hot day though and had a good laugh with others who got soaked.

The Big One, time to dry off. Back carriage, middle row both times. It was absolutely flying around the track. Genuinely the best ride I can remember on The Big One even going back to my last visit in 2015. Avoid the wheels, ride it 3pm onwards in hot and windless weather and it was really fun. I'd forgotten just how nuts the first drop is absolutely yanking you round.

Ended up then getting more rides on Nash, Icon, Big One again and Revolution as the last ride of the day bang on 5pm.

All in all I managed:
- Grand National X2
- Big Dipper x1
- Steeplechase x1
- Icon x2
- The Big One x2
- Revolution x1
- Valhalla x1
- Infusion x1

Shortest queues were Nash about 10-15mins from the top of the stairs, slow dispatches. Longest queue was maybe Valhalla and Infusion both about 55 minutes, advertised as 30min waits. Not bad all in all given the school kids, especially those causing chaos at Infusion boarding and wanting to get off repeatedly.

Overall a really good day on the park. The turnstile attendant on Infusion stated he had heard there were 4000 on park at 1pm. I didn't bother with any food breaks though to pack in more riding, and settled for a Pablo's chippy after the rides closed outside the park.

Only thing to query is why it was £42 booking online for a random Monday in June when every other day this week is £35 / £35.50?


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