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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Just a quick one, going the end of next month with my son.

I am not keen of the idea of using my phone all day to scan a QR code to ride the rides, my phone screen is cracked I plan on riding water rides and coasters (if open) I do not want to do further damage to the screen.

Can I get something from guest services to scan rather than my phone? - if I can't I will simply save my money and spend it elsewhere in Blackpool and not play by their silly rules.
You can go into the ticketing centre before you enter the park and get them to print off a physical ticket for you.
Think they can do it in the Wallace and Gromit shop as well.
I usually go to guest services close to the National to get a day ticket printed, often less of a queue...but you need a ticket to get past the ark, so you need a phone ticket to get in the actual park...
All in an enjoyable day, never really one for hammering the rides at Pleasure Beach nowadays so it was genuinely nice to see the park busy.

Treated myself to half a chicken for lunch in Lokis, best theme park food in the UK for me.

In the afternoon I decided to watch Hot Ice Eternity, first time I've seen the show in a long time. In recent years I've usually kept clear of the park during the period it's on. Or thought I'll do it on a Sunday only on the day to realise that's the day off for them.

Such a great show, amazing production values and skills involved. Really think for those matinee shows the park needs to be doing more than just a sign outside the Ice Lounge. Was lovely today just to be in a chilled location for an hour.

Bought this Mr Funshine mug as well

How was enso?
Good to hear another happy review for the ice show.
Matinees are about the right length aren't they, the full evenings with break can go on a bit.
Everyone should see it at least once and be amazed.
Just no repeat value, the show doesn't change much.
Was there much of a crowd for the show?
Age probably plays a part too, i know i'm far less tolerant of excessive waits now whereas when i was a teenager i don't think the queue time was even a consideration. My upcoming trip to Universal Osaka renowned for its 3 hour queues will truly be a test :eek:
Wow! Enjoy. At used to be #2 for coasters and #1 for hiding queues - Corkscrew was a n amazingly designed, er, queue 😁 I'm probably just too old, or too anal, but I just think the ticket price is a small part of a day out (travel, day off, food, etc). I'd just rather just pay £10 more and have a sub-hour queue. I'm happy (and have enough money) to pay £10pp for a FP, but it's not solving the problem. It just makes it worse for others.
How was enso?
Good to hear another happy review for the ice show.
Matinees are about the right length aren't they, the full evenings with break can go on a bit.
Everyone should see it at least once and be amazed.
Just no repeat value, the show doesn't change much.
Was there much of a crowd for the show?
Enjoyed Enso, got some decent spins. Not done it since it was brand new so nice to do something different. Especially after riding Hyperia, Voltron, Blue Fire, and Dynamite all so recently.

Yeah 50 minutes was perfect, I think they do change those shows slightly (a good way of practising the routines for the main show) someone I know mentioned the bath tub bit which we didn't get at all.
Think if I'm back again over the summer for a few days I'd probably see it again.
Probably more than 100 people in attendance, quite a few had bought food and drink so I suppose that helps.
You'd think during school trip season the park would work with any performing arts schools to get them in for rides and the show.
They alternate the matinee shows. So one day they’ll do the first half of the full show and then the next day they’ll do the second half. A good way of seeing the full show if you do two consecutive days (assuming that’s not too much ice skating, which it may well be).
For thirty years at least!

There are those who do things the other way round, if you have a booked show ticket, you get access to the park, but not rides...
Probably the stupid reason riders have to show their entry ticket at every ride entrance.
So on the latest episode of The World Beyond podcast, Amanda has confirmed she's in the planning stages of a third hotel, potentially located near the casino (could be the globe site?). She also briefly talks about the apartment plans. Vey interesting https://mackone.eu/theworldbeyond/ (around 24 minutes in).

I suppose it makes sense since the hotels seem to be doing well.
So on the latest episode of The World Beyond podcast, Amanda has confirmed she's in the planning stages of a third hotel, potentially located near the casino (could be the globe site?). She also briefly talks about the apartment plans. Vey interesting https://mackone.eu/theworldbeyond/ (around 24 minutes in).

I suppose it makes sense since the hotels seem to be doing well.
One word springs to mind: Deluded
To be fair, I imagine building hotels might be quite successful for them with where they’re located. With the park being located in the middle of Blackpool, any hotels they build could almost function as hotels for the wider town’s tourist industry and be unreliant on the park.

With Blackpool getting as many visitors as it does over the summer, that seems like a fairly reliable way to make money regardless of how well the main park does.
Amanda's taste and business instincts are seemingly appropriate for the hotel market, but deeply lacking when it comes to the park. I like the BPB hotels, but I'm aware that I find myself gazing out of the window from a premium product and onto another that is struggling immensely.

Saying that, I think a new hotel in the art-deco style of the Casino would look fantastic.
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Thinking about the location again. My first thought was the globe, but theres also the arcade near the entrance which has looked terrible for years. Combined with Noah's Ark (if they can remove it) that leaves a massive space for not just a hotel, but a nice new entrance too. Potentially something like the Disneyland Paris hotel with the entrance underneath (obviously nowhere near as grand).


I think we would all prefer a major new ride, but if the hotels continue making the park money, and this gives them to opportunity to massively tidy up the entrance, this could be a good thing overall. A hotel at the main entrance would also have the benefit of direct access throughout the day for park guests, unlike the big blue and boulevard.
Makes complete sense seeing how the hotels are the parts of the business that are always profitable. Blackpool is definitely in need of better accommodation offerings and it's better a local business can offer it before all the chains swoop in.
Plus it's bringing money in during the November to March period when the park is closed.
Thinking about the location again. My first thought was the globe, but theres also the arcade near the entrance which has looked terrible for years. Combined with Noah's Ark (if they can remove it) that leaves a massive space for not just a hotel, but a nice new entrance too. Potentially something like the Disneyland Paris hotel with the entrance underneath (obviously nowhere near as grand).


I think we would all prefer a major new ride, but if the hotels continue making the park money, and this gives them to opportunity to massively tidy up the entrance, this could be a good thing overall. A hotel at the main entrance would also have the benefit of direct access throughout the day for park guests, unlike the big blue and boulevard.
She said "not in the park but outside it" - wonder if the minigolf site is what she has in mind.
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