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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Noticed the Autumn pass has been put down to £80 from £125. Did think £125 was a bit much as once is enough for for JTH and was £99 last year. At £80 anything more than visiting the park once in the day and once for Journey to hell is a saving. Guessing with the lower prices of seasonal passes next year with far more days in the summer pass and spring pass at £85 they have reduced it to be in line with them and also encourage multiple October/ November visits. On any day the advanced price goes above £35 and the JTH price is £45 you could even save with the pass just doing both once regardless of other discounts. Obviously only good for people without full season passes.

There are staff actively building it higher today. Either for refurb or inspection ready for sale. I’d like to see the inverting gondola but who knows what the plan is
If it is staying and the rumoured part is a piston. Will it not have to go the top and be lowered in place. If so scaffolding would be needed all the way to the top just for this. Plus they will probably do some cosmetic work on it. I would say it’s 99.9% staying and the swinging seats are more than a possibility. Would technically be a new ride with less investment than the gyroswing. Which to be cancelled around the time work started on ice blast
The more people that buy season passes, the higher the scaffolding goes
You rarely see a fundraising thermometer anymore. Perhaps they're turning it into a giant one?

If it is staying and the rumoured part is a piston. Will it not have to go the top and be lowered in place. If so scaffolding would be needed all the way to the top just for this. Plus they will probably do some cosmetic work on it. I would say it’s 99.9% staying and the swinging seats are more than a possibility. Would technically be a new ride with less investment than the gyroswing. Which to be cancelled around the time work started on ice blast
Good job Pleasurebeech doesn't need new rides. Bit of that PB magic paint, some fancy seats and it's totally just like a new ride.

It they don't get something genuinely new in the next couple of years then I'm genuinely worried about the future of the park.
I don't think paying a loan off straight away is necessarily cancelling a project.

It might be that the park had the budget to pay it off straight away.

It doesn't normally take a long time to put up a flat ride compared to a coaster and I'd say if construction starts in November, it could open before May Half Term if all goes well.
With the park reducing season pass renewals to 30% cheaper than last year (admittedly for 24 hours), it doesn't really indicate that we are getting anything new next year .

You would have thought that if the park were planning a new attraction and maybe refurbishing and reopening a couple of other rides, they would be making a song and dance about it in order to sell season passes at a higher price.

So while it would be great to see a new thrill ride in a much improved park next year, I am currently very skeptical about it happening.
Whilst I don’t strongly disagree with your assessment, it’s also entirely plausible the approach is explained by the lack of any joined-up thinking at the park.

Equally it might well be that they’re just not ready to announce anything and the conversion of Ice Blast into the world’s tallest fountain will come in a press release later in the year.
Whilst I don’t strongly disagree with your assessment, it’s also entirely plausible the approach is explained by the lack of any joined-up thinking at the park.

Oh yes, that is entirely possible. They are away with the fairies most of the time so anything can happen.
Some images taken today.
These river cave boats on Bond Street car park that some people think have been refurbished, I'm not so sure looking at the state of them. Also note a bit of big one track an old monorail car and other bits of scenery.

also nit sure how many people know its there but still a bit of beaver creek is still in the park
Lately i'm in no rush whatsoever to visit BPB, the state it is in is very upsetting. The Annual pass situation is madness and it further deters me from going, a free ticket would maybe pull my leg but id sooner go shopping at the Potteries centre.
Some images taken today.
These river cave boats on Bond Street car park that some people think have been refurbished, I'm not so sure looking at the state of them. Also note a bit of big one track an old monorail car and other bits of scenery.

also nit sure how many people know its there but still a bit of beaver creek is still in the park

Stevie Wonder must have took charge of the refurbishment then. As those boats look clapped out. Or, Trotters independent traders, one of the two.
Bizarre goings on with the Big One today. On arrival (1pm) staff said it’s on late opening but gave no idea of time. At 2:20, after spotting the train going round, I went to queue, on the way I saw a staff member place an ‘Open at 11’ sign on the opening hours board, station is nearly full. One person in front car and one in second (presumably staff), other 3 I guess sandbagged. Train doesn’t even move in station for 10 mins. People start to leave station, myself included. Exit photo shop remains shut, no idea if it will actually run or not, don’t think I CBA hanging around to find out. So much messing about with this ride.
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