Re: Pleasure Beach, Blackpool: General Discussion
Physcoaster said:
What?! More than Nemesis or Oblivion?
Yep, a lot more, I'd rather ride the Grand National than those two coasters, it may seem shocking to the Towers fanbase because someone prefers a classic wooden coaster over two B&M coasters, but outside of the Towers community not everyone is so obsessed with the B&M bore machines of this world.
I rate Nemesis very highly, but there is better coasters out there, not sure if that's because I've got bored of it because I've ridden better coasters out there, or maybe Towers have done something to stop it running as well as it used to do? I don't know, but I know a lot of coaster enthusiasts who've travelled the world to ride coasters (and not just Europa Park), and rate Nemesis pretty low compared to other coasters out there, so I am certainly not alone in having an opinion that doesn't satisfy the Towers faithful as far as B&M coasters are concerned.
Physcoaster said:
And yes, the Steeplechase is technically made of steel but if you're going to count that then you may as well count the monorail and the Pleasure Beach Express - they're both as thrilling. What I mean is PBB need a really thrilling steel coaster as Infusion was 5 years ago - something that really makes a statement. You surely can't deny that, even if the family aspect of the park is doing well at the moment?
I think you're either taking the micky with that comment, or you've not ridden the forementioned attractions. There is no chance, no chance on this planet that the Monorail and PB Express can be rated the same as Steeplechase as far as thrilling is concerned.
Steeplechase is considered a scarier ride than PMBO to some people, because of the restraint and the seating arrangements.
I can deny it because I know the history of Pleasure Beach. Blackpool Pleasure Beach does not operate how Alton Towers does, how Thorpe Park does, it operates in their own way, the way that has been successful since 1896.
Pleasure Beach has gone more than 10 years without building a marquee coaster in the past, they could do it again and again, and they'd survive. They have never backed themself into a corner like Alton and Thorpe have where people demand a new ride every two years, the paying public will continue to go to Blackpool and BPB regardless.
"We're Blackpool, we raze amusement heritage and destroy our sister park so we can get an out dated, off the shelf coaster by a famously inferior manufacturer because we're too tight to pay for a custom model or the better version made."?
Pleasure Land Southport was a dive, it brought in no money to Blackpool Pleasure Beach ltd, any other company would of done the same thing as far as Traumatizer was concerned.
I don't like the fact the Log Flume has gone and has been replaced by a relocated hang and bang, but the fact remains PB is a family owned company, who at the time were in financial ruin, they did what was best for them, not what was best for greedy moaning coaster enthusiasts who wanted the next PMBO or TTD building on the south shore of Blackpool.
The real and genuine coaster fans of this world understand that the real life coaster industry is not Rollercoaster Tycoon, it seems this site and those who represented TTF in the past don't live in the real world as far as Blackpool Pleasure Beach is concerned.
Benzin said:
Imagine if Blackpool added a GCI/Gravity Group Coaster for example... I doubt many enthusiasts would complain about that sort of addition...
It'd be slated by the Towers fans on here no doubt and the best day ever brigade who seem to think wooden coasters are ''rough'' because they don't have the silky smooth nature of a B&M.
Physcoaster said:
Obviously as enthusiasts we know it is significantly inferior but for many people there isn't much difference.
Typical arrogant comment, enthusiasts are no more qualified than a member of the general public who couldn't give a rat's backside if a coaster was made by B&M, Vekoma or British Rail, to say what is and isn't inferior.
Blaze said:
Well, I thought it looked better in Southport where it dominated the skyline for miles and wasn't shoehorned behind scaffolding almost twice as large.
It's a little bit of an ironic comment coming from a fan of a park which seems to obsess with the use of scaffolding and shipping containers making every new ride they build look like a glorified construction yard.
Rupert said:
Anyway - I wish Pleasure Beach would get a new thrill coaster because it just feels like there isn't enough for thrill seekers in the park. The only coasters I'd class as thrill are The Big One, Infusion and probably Revolution, and I don't particularly rate any of the three. As much as I really enjoy Avalanche, I'd put it in the family category along with the woodies.
Ok, if you want to talk about thrilling coasters, there is no way Air, Rita, Thirteen and Spinball can be considered anything more than family rides, none of them are remotely thrilling compared to any of the major coasters at PB or Thorpe to be honest.
Pleasure Beach doesn't need anything except for the likes of yourself to open your eyes and look at the bigger picture.
Rupert said:
Improving the aesthetics of the park is also an important trend to continue, although I think the park has a long way to go, with the conditions of the woodies and the crazily out-of-place SI2 building the biggest priorities in my opinion.
The woodies are in no worse condition than some of the coasters at Towers, has Oblivion been painted since it was opened? Spinball looks like it's chipping away at the paintwork more and more every year, and they can't even maintain the ''bloody waterfalls'' on Nemesis now.
I think the priorities you should worry about are the park this site supports, rather than Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
I am sorry if you don't like my opinions and feel the need to report my posting style to a moderator again, but if you're going to slate one of the best parks in the country, you should maybe expect that a few of the fans of the park will oppose some of the comments being made in this topic. I think with the way Towers are going at the moment and all the cuts they are trying to make, maybe you should worry about the ''priorities'' of that park before picking on other parks which are doing perfectly well without having to make any cuts midway through the season.
Finally, I hope my grammar doesn't offend anyone either.