TS Member
RE Speedy Pass, yesterday they weren't selling much as the park was quite quiet. I queued from just at the top of the ramp inside the building for Nickelodeon Streak and it took between 10 and 15 minutes to get on, whereas in August last year queueing from the exact same point took 70 minutes. That's what Speedy Pass does.
That is really poor. Speedy passers adding one hour to the queue of a ride. But I suppose if they’re weren’t in the SP queue then they’d be in the main queue anyway thus making that 70 mins long. I’m with Rob, I don’t think BPB is geared towards SP anyway, but especially on one train operation coasters.
In Portaventura last summer, and I know the queue board times there are to be taken with a pinch of salt anyway, went on Stampida as queue was shown as 10 mins I think. Ended up waiting way longer and as we neared the front, it became clear that they were filling up virtually a whole train of Speedy passers at a time, which was making the main queue move very slowly. Tried to explain the concept to the kids and even they were somewhat appalled by the idea that some people have priority over you because they’ve paid more to get in.
Anyway, Streak to me is an ok ride that I will do when walk on only. I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole on a busy day. Not worth queuing for personally when there are two other woodies on the park that are better and have (at times) two train operation.